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Everyone knows, that the end of the semester, means exams and midterms. Essentially, students. As Craig was one of them, he absolutely hated exams as an entire concept; even though, weirdly enough, he was one of the highest scoring students of his grade.

Studying was a big part of midterms. Reading the pages over and over again in repeat, constant loop, until the words don't make sense. Or, nervously exchanging notes with people you hardly know so you can look other them, hoping your handwriting isn't as bad as it seems to you.

Craig was never one for "group activities" though. If he had to do something, he best do it himself, only if necessary. He found studying with friends just a waste of time, we all share the same textbook, don't we?

And a waste of patience as well, chills went down his spine as Craig thought about the time Clyde, Jimmy and Token persuaded him into joining their "study" group.

Emphasize on the quotation marks, as you weren't really studying with them as much as rating Christmas movies. Token was the only one with a bit of common sense, but that all fell down when he started dating Clyde, atleast Cylde got a good-enough voice of reason, stopping him from doing, half of, the dumb shit he would do.

That's why, whenever he studied, he did at a coffee shop that was awfully close to his apartment.
The shop had great coffee, and only a few people came in judging by it's dark appearance and old fashioned interior. It was the type of place that had a bunch of old books you've never heard of and never will read, sitting on that large bookcase that replaced a wall, or the type of place that always smelled like good coffee, a scent Craig always enjoyed.

The coffeshop had a visitor cat, which came in every once in a while, which the coworkers had named Bean, a "Coffee Bean" pun, which the coffee house visitors consisted of hating it or liking it because the name sucked so much, needless to say, Craig shared an opinion with the latter.

The baristas were kind and nice too, and always welcoming, whether or whether not Craig was a usual. By this time, the barista named "Wendy Testaburger" didn't have to ask for his name anymore to write it in the cup, and by this time, she had learned how to spell "Craig" correctly. She was the one with the most shifts and the one who kept Craig the most company, even though he swore he didn't need it.

As he did every day, when Craig got up from his seat to grab his coffee, the black haired barista mentioned,
"By the way, there's a new barista that got hired, I'm supposed to give them a tour."
By general curiosity, Craig felt the need to ask,
"What's their name?"
"..Um.. Tweek Tweak, I think? If that's how you pronounce it anyway,."
A small nod from the boy and from the girl was enough of a farewell for the both of them, so Craig grabbed his hot coffee and sat down, placing it on his table, careful as to not spill it on his textbooks.

Reviewing his notes while listening to a random Spotify playlist he had found on Twitter, Craig realized that he had finished his coffee, wondering if it was his speed and stress of finals, or time passing by fast, and ignoring how this was to be his third coffee cup left empty of the day, Craig looked up to get another one. When he told Wendy his order she quickly apologized and said her new coworker is supposed to be coming in now, and that she couldn't complete any orders unless if it was necessary or had something to do with the training.
So, Craig sat down, hoping the RedBull he had stuffed in his bag would suffice.

As he sipped and looked over his notes for what seemed to be the 500th time that day, he heard someone trying to pull the door to open,obvious to the sign with the text "Push not pull."

Thanks to the blurry door, and the fact that Craig was sitting at the very back end of the coffee house, the only thing he could make out about the was blonde hair.

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