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Craig was standing in front of the door to his apartment.
As much as he would hate to admit it, Clyde was right. Craig wanted to confess today.
Whether it was genuinely his own decision or the build up and adrenaline-boosting "confidence" he must've gotten from Clyde's terrible pep talk, he really, really felt like this was the only day to do this.

Though, it definitely was a terrible day to do this.
It was raining, there were like, 10 minutes left of Tweek's shift, and it was already dark out. But, Craig was definitely going to do this today. If it was any other day, he would back down from this idiotic idea and just go hang out with Tweek, as friends.


Who knew such a simple word could annoy Craig so, so much? Well, it only drove Craig to the brink of insanity if used to describe Tweek and his relationship, any other use of it would be fine, acceptable.

So Craig opened the door, and walked out, each step becoming harder and harder to land on the ground.
Walking and walking for what felt to be eternity, but at the same time, way too fast than Craig would've thought considering he was already in front of the coffee shop.

As it seemed though, from what Craig could make out from that stupid blurry door, he was too late. Tweek was closing up.

So, he gave up. Nothing could be done now. He'd probably never confess, unless he'd get a rare confidence boost like today.

Just as he turned around to leave back to his apartment, a familiar voice spoke up,

Craig blushed apon recognising who the voice belonged to, reluctantly, he turned to face him,

Tweek looked around. For some reason, neither of the boys could build up the sureness to look the other in the eye.
And neither them could muster up the courage to speak up either, but one of them did.
"You're here for coffee right?", the tips of his lips building up to a small smile, "You're a little late, but I'll allow it. Come in, you're soaking wet, dude!"

Tweek was snickering, mostly to himself as he opened the door for Craig.

"R-right.. coffee.." Craig awkwardly smiled too, finally looking up to face Tweek.

"Okay come in the counter, you're gonna make the chairs wet." Tweek admitted, grinning as he let Craig in.

"Whoa, am I even allowed back here?"
A smile going up the corners of Craig's mouth appears, almost a grin. Craig usually doesn't smile a lot, so Tweek was an unusual change for him. Unsure if it's him, or Tweek just has that effect on people but the change is a good one, Craig thinks. He doesn't know. But he knows the change makes him feel.. genuinely, really, really happy. So it's a good one.

"You're actually not." Tweek grinned, looking up at the slightly taller boy, as he raised his pointing finger to Craig's lips, "So don't tell anyone, o-okay?"

Just that action was enough to leave Craig a flustered mess, though Tweek was already facing the coffee maker, probably oblivious to the effect he had on the boy. Craig raised his hand to his lips, where Tweek had touched them. As if he was trying to replicate the feeling he had when Tweek did it, it wasn't the same, but it was a nice reminder that it did, indeed happen.

"Here." Tweek handed him a coffee mug with Craig's usual order. He had been making it for several months now, so there was no need for him to ask what type of coffee he wanted. On his other hand, was his mug, which he started to drink from as soon as he handed Craig his cup.

"I.. um.." Craig had finally remembered why he came here, his "mission". He wasn't going home without telling Tweek how he felt, so why were no words coming to his mind at that very moment.

Tweek just stared back at him, almost like he was oblivious. Almost, because the way Tweek was looking at him was making Craig beg for him to reciprocate his feelings.

Craig stared at him longer, and he decided to comment on the only thing he could focus on,

"You know, you have really pretty eyes."


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