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"What can you see?" Tolkien curiously asked Clyde as he was the one using the binoculars, "What is Craig doing?"

"They're just talking, absolutely no action. He has ZERO game." Clyde took off his binoculars and handed them to Tolkien.

"W-well, w-we can-can't he-hear th-them, may-maybe th-they're f-flirting b-bu-but we ca-can't t-tell." Jimmy suggested.

"Damnit." Clyde glared at them both trying to see better, "OH MY GOD TOLKIEN TAKE A PICTURE LOOK CRAIG IS SMILING OMIGOD TOLKIEN PULL OUT YOUR PHONE!!"

"Okay okay.." Tolkien smiled at Clyde reassuringly and took a photo of Craig.

"G-get a r-roo-room." Jimmy glared at the both.

"Let's go inside, they probably won't notice us." Clyde zipped up his sweatshirt and pulled the hood of it over his head, making his bangs much more noticeable and over his eyes.
He then grabbed his backpack and grabbed the black hoodies he had put for them and gave them to Tolkien and Jimmy.
"Put these on, we gotta be unnoticeable."

Jimmy pulled his shirt over his T-shirt and grinned, "A-al-alright."

"Let's get in." Clyde grabbed Tolkien's hand, ecstatically trying to sneak into the coffee shop as Jimmy followed from behind.

Even though Clyde completely botched the entrance, considering how he pushed instead of pulling the door and entered really loudly, Craig and Tweek didn't notice those who entered considering how busy they were giggling with each other.

Craig was standing in front of the counter, well "standing" was an overstatement, his hands was on the counter and he was practically laying over it while Tweek was doing the same on the opposite side.

"Seems like he isn't that bad at this," Clyde whispered as he took a seat, "Aww, he's smiling again!!"

"Yeah, atleast we can actually hear them now." Tolkien snickered as he sat down too, "Okay stop talking now so we can hear them."

"W-What?," Tweek looked over his shoulder, "Uhm, okay.."

Tweek raised his head and his voice a little, "Jim-Jimmy, T-Tolkien and.. what's his name? C-Clyde? Clyde! We can s-see you!" Tweek looked over at Craig when finished whilst Craig looked at him with a prideful grin.

"Damnit!" Clyde stood up and waved at them while Craig stared at him with annoyance.

"U-uh.. do y-your friends h-have a t-tendency to s-stalk.. p-people?" Tweek stuttered from the nervousy of meeting new people.

"No, only Clyde, he's been arrested for stalking before but he's gotten out with bail so if he calls you to bail him just ignore him." Craig glared at him as he sipped his coffee.

"He's kidding." Clyde put his hand out and then Tweek hesitated and (reluctantly) shook it, "Hi, Clyde.. Donovan." He grinned, "That's Tolkien, and Jimmy."

"Ack!-.. hi.!" Tweek waved at them.

"Ignore them." Craig glared at the three and then turned to look at Tweek, endearingly, as his anger escaped his face.

Clyde nudged Craig's shoulder and grinned, "Well we don't wanna bother you two, also I gotta go home I have way to many assignments to finish."

"Ngh.. Yeah I'm pretty tired too." Tolkien sighed as he grabbed his car keys from his pocket.

"O-ok-okay. B-bye T-Twe-Tweak a-and
Cr-Craig!" Jimmy grabbed his hoodie and put it in his bag.

"You coming Craig?" Tolkien glanced over at Craig.

"No. I'm busy, obviously."

"Ohoho, I'm sure you are!" Clyde cheekily grinned as he opened the door for Tolkien and Jimmy. "Bye!!"

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