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"I do?" Tweek grin turned into a more awkward one, as brush crept up on his cheeks.

"Yeah." Craig moved closer to Tweek, as he set his mug on the counter. Holy shit. He was actually doing it. "Really pretty." He confirmed.

"Pfft." Tweek grinned again, looking Craig in the eye, moving closer, "Look who's talking, your eyes are way prettier."

"Don't act like I was insulting you!" Craig joked, moving a little bit more closer than before, "Also, no. You're wrong. Your eyes are prettier, dare I say: the prettiest."

Tweek started to giggle awkwardly, the kind of laugh you get when you're in a roller coaster and don't know what else to do. He looked down before looking up at Craig again, a strand of hair falling on his face, as a result of that action.

As of instinct, Craig moved that strand of hair from Tweek's face and on his ears. You know, like in movies.
Though it was more of an excuse to have such access to Tweek's face.
And before Craig could even think about it or Tweek could over-think it, Craig's hands were cupping his face. Tweek's, really, really pretty eyes, were steady on Craig's, his lips curved into a small, worried, smile.

Craig draws his face closer, more than he thought was even possible and, before even thinking about it, before even thinking about anything he kisses him. Because truth be told, the only thing worth thinking about right now is Tweek, and Tweek only.

His mouth is soft and warm, kind of refreshing considering how cold the rain was. Heat spreads through him as Craig deepens the kiss, like it was electric.
Wrapping his arms around him, pulling Tweek closer and closer, he finally stops. More like comes to his senses, and decides he should probably let Tweek actually breathe before he kills him from suffocation.

"Sorry.." Craig musters an apology, the only thing he could bring himself to even say.
"Tweek, listen." Craig grinned with a worried expression, still cupping Tweek's face, refusing to let go,
"I really, really, really like you."
"Like romantically I mean, not in like a friend way, that would be weird for me to say if it weren't romantically, but considering the context--"


Craig looked at him, slowly releasing his hands from his gorgeous face.

"I said damnit." He awkwardly smiled, "Wendy told me that you were gonna confess before I did, and she was right. You know how annoying it's gonna be? To prove her right? She's gonna drag it on for WEEKS. 'I told you so' " Tweek mimicked their mutual friend.

"Wait, she told you I liked you?" Craig rolled his eyes in anger, "Can't keep a secret with her can you?"

"I KNOW." Tweek laughed in agreement, "I was so scared she was gonna tell you I bribed her."

"Pfft.." Craig laughed in response, "She was right though was she?"

"Yeah. How annoying." Tweek grinned before leaning in to kiss Craig again, this time with more assurance, it felt more familiar this time.

"Does that mean I get to be your boyfriend?" Craig smiled, he was physically unable not to smile right now.

"Uhm.. yeah! As long as I get to be yours though."

"Okay. That sounds nice." Craig smiled, possibly more than before. "Ugh, I hate how both Wendy and CLYDE are right right now."

"Which one is Clyde?" Tweek looked over Craig, "the one with brown hair, right?"


"Well, it's not all so bad." Tweek looked him in the eye again, this time more focused, "Atleast I get to date you now."

"Yeah.. but you're also gonna have to deal with Clyde, so it's really not a win-win situation."

"I'm okay with that."

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