Ch. 20 Leaving the Ranch

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   I woke with the sun streaming in through the window. I looked over at the clock next to my bed. It was nearly six, almost time for us to leave for our flight. "Clemont?" I sat up and looked around the room, but he was gone. His bag was gone. "I can't believe he didn't wake me up," I said to myself. I pulled on my pants and shirt and ran out into the hall, but there was no one around. I walked down to Serena's room and knocked on the door, but she didn't answer. Then I tried to open the door. It was locked. They must all be having breakfast, I thought. When I got to the dining hall my heart froze. It was also empty. No Electroclan. No staff. No one. What's going on?

   I ran back to the Ranch House to my mother's room and knocked on her door. "Mom!" I shouted. Nothing. I opened her door. "Mom, it's me." I looked inside her room. She wasn't there. In fact the room was vacant, cleared out as if it had never been occupied. Where is everyone? I thought. I stepped back out into the hallway.

  "Where is everyone?" I shouted. No one answered. I ran back to the main room of the Ranch House and out the front door onto the dirt drive. The buildings and vehicles surrounding the ranch were gone. Then I turned back and the Ranch House was also gone. I looked around me. There was nothing but miles and miles of tumbleweeds and dusty, barren landscape.

   And then I woke from the nightmare.

   The next morning came too early. Way too early. I reached over to hit the snooze button and I must have pulsed because the radio alarm clock practically exploded. Clemont laughed.

  "Dude, you fried it."

   I groaned. "Someone had to."

  "Time to get up, lover boy," he said.

   I sat up and wiped the sleep from my eyes, then walked to the bathroom and showered. Clemont was already gone when I got out. I dressed, then went to the dining room for breakfast. My mother was waiting for me. Her eyes were red and I could tell that she had been crying, even though she tried to hide it. She smiled when she saw me. "How was last night?"

  "It was perfect. Thank you."

  "It was my pleasure."

   A few minutes later Serena walked in with her mother. They both looked tired and their eyes were red and puffy from crying, but she smiled when she saw me. She walked up to me and we hugged.

   My mother said to her, "Ash said you two had a good time last night."

  "Thank you so much," Serena said. "It was one of the best nights of my life."

  "I'm so glad," she said with a sigh. "Now we'd better get some food in you two. We only have an hour before you leave."

   We all walked over to the buffet tables. "I asked the cooks to prepare something special" my mom said. "Waffles."

   I piled a plate high with waffles, along with strawberry jam and whipped cream. Clemont was sitting with his parents. His stack of waffles was like six inches high. As we ate, my mother got more emotional. She kept dabbing at her eyes her with her napkin.

  "Are you okay?" I asked.

  "I hate good-byes."

  "It's going to be okay," I said.

  "You be safe," she said sternly. "You promised."

   We had just finished eating when Sycamore walked into the room. "Electroclan, you have twenty minutes before your bus leaves."

  "I'd better get my stuff," I said to my mother. "I'll meet you out front," she replied.

   I went back to my room and grabbed the bag with the clothes they had given me and carried it out to the front of the Ranch House. The van was idling in the center of the driveway where it had let us off five days earlier. Mrs. Yvonne, and my mother were standing next to it. Understandably, Mrs. Yvonne was a mess. Brock, Gary, and Zeus were standing next to them, and they all looked over as I walked out.

  "Hey, dude," Gary said.

  "You changed your mind and you're coming with us," I said.

  "In your dreams," he replied. We hugged. "You be careful."

  "Careful is my middle name," I said.

  "I thought Danger was your middle name."

  "Not this time," I said.

   Calem and Shauna walked out of the house holding hands. Shauna was crying, and Calem kept pulling her into him. They walked up to me.

  "You guys come back safe," Shauna said. She hugged me. "Bring everyone back. Promise me."

  "We'll be back," I said. "I promise."

   Shauna whispered into my ear. "Don't let Calem do anything stupid, okay?"

  "I'll do my best," I said.

   She kissed my cheek. "I love you, Ash." She smiled at me again; then, holding Calem's hand, she went to say good-bye to Brock and Korrina.

   I walked over to Serena and our mothers. Mrs. Yvonne seemed inconsolable and Serena looked agonized by her mother's pain. My mother put her arm around me. "This is hard," she said softly.

   Clemont was the last out her. His eyes her were puffy and Mrs. Citron was dabbing at her eyes her with a Kleenex. Mr. Citron had his arms around both of them.

  "You be careful," Mrs. Citron said when she was close to me. "No shenanigans."

   I had no idea what she meant by that, but I hugged her and she turned back to Clemont, who was as emotional as I'd ever seen him.

   A moment later Sycamore walked up to us. He glanced at my mother, then put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me away from everyone else. "I need to know what you've decided about Marnie," he whispered.

  "We'll bring her," I said.

   He nodded in approval. "I think you're making the right choice."

  "Take care of my mom," I said.

  "I will." He looked at me seriously, then said, "Ash, no foolish risks. Rescue Jade Dragon if you can, but if you can't, we'll deal with it. I promised your mother you would come back safe."

  "We'll do our best," I said.

   He looked at me, then said, "I know you will." He looked around. "It's time to go." We walked back to my mother.

   As we were about to board the van Surge walked out the front door. For a brief moment we looked at each other; then he saluted me. "De oppresso liber," he said.

  "Liberate the oppressed," Clemont translated.

   I saluted Surge back. I hugged my mother again; then we walked over to Serena and her mother. Mrs. Yvonne turned to me.

  "Keep her safe. I beg you."

  "I protect her," I said. "I'll bring her back."

  "I love you, Mom," Serena said. "I'll see you soon."

   She wiped her eyes with a tissue. "I just got you back. I can't believe I'm letting you go."

   A minute later Sycamore said, "I'm sorry, but it's time."

   Serena and her mother her hugged and kissed again; then Serena stepped toward me. "Good-bye, Mrs. Ketchum."

  "I'll see you both soon," my mother said, doing her best to be strong. "And, Serena?"


  "You keep my son safe too," she said.

   Serena nodded seriously. "I'll do my best."

   I hugged my mother once more, then picked up my bag, and Serena and I climbed into the van. The vehicle shook as the driver started the engine. With the exception of Serena's and Clemont's sniffles, everyone on board was quiet as the van pulled forward around the circular drive, then up the steep incline away from the compound. I wondered if we would ever see this place again.

Ash Ketchum:  Hunt For Jade DragonWhere stories live. Discover now