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Cita's P.O.V.:

Cita had no clue what was happening. While Number One explained to the other humans what was going on (something about Titans and time travel, and him being the new guardian), she was trying to figure out how to walk on two legs. How did humans do it? It was so inefficient and- slow.

No wonder they needed those wands to defend themselves, they were completely vulnerable without them.

The Scottish woman told Cita and Kefir they could rest somewhere and that they would get an explanation the next day. Cita was extremely exhausted and actually didn't mind getting some sleep, but she didn't trust these humans one bit.

When Cita refused to follow the woman out of the room, Kefir leaned to her and muttered, "Severus said we can trust her."

Cita threw him a blank look. "Who's Severus?" she asked perplexed.

"The human who saved us from Skender."

Ah. For some reason, Kefir trusted that human. And since she trusted Kefir, she would have to take his word for it.
"Why do you believe what he says?" she murmured.

"I'll tell you later."

They looked at the woman, who was waiting silently by the door. Cita threw a look over her shoulder and saw the other humans listening attentively to Number One- no wait, Severus.

"Come on," Kefir urged her on and began following the Scottish witch. He swayed a little as he tried to walk on his hind legs, and had to balance himself against the wall.

Cita followed unsurely and flattened her ears against her head when she stumbled several times.

The woman waited patiently and once they'd left the room, the large double doors slowly swung shut.

"I am Professor McGonagall," said the woman and looked at the two. "A room has been prepared for you nearby. Since you are from another time, you must remain out of sight from the other students."

Cita listened halfheartedly, she was more interested in the golden phoenix statues that stood before rows of doors. More hallways branched away from this one. It looked like a large maze.

"What are your names?" Professor McGonagall's voice snapped Cita out of her thoughts.

"I am Kefir," grumbled the young man.

Cita remained silent and her golden eyes narrowed at the older witch.

"This is Cita," Kefir finished when she remained silent.

Cita's tail twitched annoyed.

"Very well," said Professor McGonagall and turned around. "Follow me."

And the two former-feline-predators-now-humans stumbled after her.

At least I have my ears and tail, thought Cita and growled annoyed when she swayed strongly. And my teeth.

She'd always thought humans looked strange and some even ugly, so she was glad she'd retained some of her familiar features.

The McGonagall person led them through this strange maze that never seemed to end. Cita's eyes darted around; after being trapped in a cage for so long, it was refreshing to see something new. Even if it was a strange place.

Finally, they reached a room. Inside were two beds, closets and several large palm trees that were so large, their leaves touched the ground. Covering the walls behind the beds were several large windows that ran all the way to the ceiling, letting in the light of the setting sun.

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