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"There are six Titans," explained Mioha as they walked through the labyrinth, "One for each element. I am the Light Titan, Lux- and so are you. But you are a later reincarnation of me."

Cita tried to understand what she was hearing. When she glanced at Kefir he nodded at her encouragingly.

"In your time, you are the Light Titan and I am already dead. But since you traveled back into the past, there are now two of us.
When I was seven, my mother turned me into a human to save me from- evil humans. That was what you saw before you fell off the cliff."

Cita nodded slowly. She remembered the Silverwing mare casting some spell on the foals. The spell that had hit her as well.

"But when you showed up on the cliff, my mother accidentally turned you as well. That's why you're a human now too." Mioha looked at Kefir. "You and Kefir are- connected. So your transformation must have made him turn as well. But Gandalf doesn't really know how that exactly worked because magic is a fickle thing. For example, Draco was already a human before I was transformed into one, and we're connected too."

Cita flattened her ears against her head and peeked at Kefir, expecting him to be mad at her, since it sounded like him being a human was her fault. But he didn't seem to be angry at all.

"The Severus you arrived with already exists in this time," Mioha continued. They took a left turn. "It may sound strange, but he's younger in your time than he is now. That's because he'll be the Guardian of the Titans-," she exhaled, finding it hard to believe herself,
"-and that's part of his magic."

"And now comes the problem that we're currently facing," said Draco Malfoy. "Mioha was never meant to be a human, so the fact that she is, is disturbing the balance between all six Titans. We're working on finding the place that would get rid of Mioha's human form completely."

Cita looked at Mioha with pity. "So until then, you're stuck like this?"

Mioha shook her head. "I can swap back and forth between being a Silverwing and being a human," she said, "And I'm assuming you'll be able to turn into a cheetah at will too. And Kefir is still able to turn into a lion."

Cita exhaled with relief. So she wasn't forced to be a human all the time.

"The thing is, you need to return to your time and enter the Birth Place to get rid of your new human form entirely too," explained Mioha seriously, "Otherwise the future will begin to die. Like everything here."

"Birth Place?" repeated Cita stunned.

"The place where all Titans are reborn," clarified Draco.

"And-," Cita shook her head confused. "Why do I have to travel to my time before entering this- Birth Place? Why can't I do it here?"

"Because then the wrong Light Titan will be connected to the other Titans," said Mioha, "And if we both enter the Birth Place, then there'll be two Light Titans completing the circle. And that's even worse."

"But we have to find it first," added Draco.

Cita closed her eyes when they stopped in front of a door. This just sounded insane.

The door opened and revealed a forest inside. There were tall trees, filled with chirping birds. The grass swayed gently in the wind, which seemed to come out of nowhere. Cita inhaled deeply. She smelled fresh water and honey.

"This is the forest room," said Mioha with a smile, "Rosaly will probably be by the sunflowers."

She and Draco exchanged a look and Mioha turned pink.

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