Shot 3♣😕♣

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Hello friends

Before reading the chapter
Please comment down that☺

According to your pov what is the meaning of endless love......🤗



Pramod was  looking at laptop screen where a pic was displayed. She was closing her eyes leaning her head back on his shoulder as he was hugging her from back. Her hand  was kept over his as it was wrapped around her belly.

Their faces hold beautiful smile. It was so perfect. She perfectly for in his arm making her feel protected. Did he never knew that the moments which were so special to them or was it for him only, will not last long.

If only could knew his world is going to crash down leaving him shattered into pieces. He wish he could save his world and never let her go.


It's been a week they come back from trip and exam was started. They got busy in study. After someday ,exam was also end.

But it's been so many days, pramod talked to susheela. He was feeling like she was avoiding him. He tried to talk her many times but he only get disappointed. He tried to took garima help but nothing helped. But then he come to know something .
He got broken.

She was going to marry by her father's choice. He knew she must be forced to it so he called her many times so that he could help her.

He knew susheela can't never do that with him. She can't betray him. He tried to call but susheela was not ready to take his call.

Somehow one day she took garima call and he was there. So he took garimas phone.

Pramod : ( restless) susheela, where r u? U don't know what I m going through in all these day? Why r u not talking my calls... I need to see u susheela.. look ,I know, you r being forced to marry and I....

But he was interrupted by her angry and rude voice.

"what do u think of yourself pramod and who said I m forced to marry. I m willingly doing this marriage because it's my happiness.

I m just sick of that stupidity what u called a relationship. I mean grow up pramod.. and college end and that relationship also end.

I don't want to talk about it anymore and please don't create any scene in my marriage. I don't want any drama.."

Pramod :( hurt) what r u saying susheela? Look susheela, I m coming to meet u. We can talk and..

S : what the hell u wanna talk huh!! And don't u dare to come here otherwise I will tell my dad to throw u out of mansion.

Can't u get one thing easily in ur mind and if u can't then it's ur problem. I m moving on pramod and it's better for u too move on.. understood . I m getting married in two days, so don't try to contact me ever!!

P : susheela but...

But the call was already cut. Pramod was heartbroken hearing it. He can never believe susheela can do this. He fell on his knees and tear fell from his eye.

Every moment they spend together was coming in front of his eyes. Agni saw him and run to him. He wasn't able to see his brother like this.

Pramod break down but agni hugged him and tried to pacify that everything will be fine.

Two days passed, pramod was totally broken. Everyone tried to cheer him up but terribly failed. He still didn't believed that susheela said all those things.

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