Shot 7🤗

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Hello friends😊

Husbands of kd and mini are real brothers.....
Pramod love kd like his own mother and called her maa.😌

Seriously Bhai, u r asking this?"

P : yes agni, I m asking this.

Agni : what is it Bhai? Why r u doing this? It's been three weeks since u talked to us. We called Arjun but he was continuously saying, u r busy, u r busy.

U r not taking our calls, do not react to our messages. Why? Forget about me, u r not talking to Chachi ji? And maa too. She was so worried. chacha ji were also so worried for u. It was getting too much then finally we came here. What is your so important work that u can't even talk to us. Is there something wrong ?

It's like u r trying to distance urself from us. Now also u r reacting like this. What's the problem and why?

P : because I want to agni.

Agni : what do u mean? U came here for a week na? But now it's been a month?why didn't u came back to Kolkata. What are u doing here? U used to handle work from Kolkata also na?

Jay : agni is right pramod. U used to stay here also but u remain in contact with us. But in these days, u never did that. We were really worried for u. Ur mom was continuously crying since and I couldn't see her like this so we came here.

Pramod look at them.

Kd come to him.

Kd: pramod.. please say. If we have done something wrong. Why u didn't came back to Kolkata ?

P : I m exactly there where I should be maa and I m doing what I should do. It's just came to know some truth that changed my life.

Agni : truth?

P : ( anger) can't remember anything agni ? Do I need to make u remember that?

A : what truth Bhai? What are u talking about?

Jay : pramod, what are u trying to say? What truth?

P : why don't u ask this to agni only dad? Or should I say mom? U also know everything right? After all u both are equally responsible for everything.

Jay: pramod..

P : I m saying right dad. Maa, dad, u all knew that I was totally broken few years back and even though I tried a lot I never got relieved from that pain .
But what should I have done knowing that my own mom and my brother is responsible for my pain? For making my life hell.

Mini : pramod , why would I ever do that? Why would any mother do that to his son?

P:then why did u do that mom?

Agni : but Bhai, for what u r .......

" Ansh.. Ansh stop running " they heard a lady voice. They look up to find a girl in saree running behind a small boy.

Ansh: no mumma, I won't... I don't wanna take bath..

" Ansh, no stop.. I will tell papa that Ansh is bad boy" susheela said running behind him.

" I will go to Papa.. and tell that mumma is bad. She is making me bath with that cold water" Ansh runs toward stairs. He saw few people standing there but he found pramod so he runs to go to him.

" Ansh , wait.. don't run on stairs.. Ansh... Pramod" she stopped as she found his family members. She saw agni and mini and freezed on her position.

Pramod go to stairs and hold Ansh.

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