Shot 5😌

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Hello friends

She fall on her knees .

P : susheela..( he also go on his knee in front of her)

Susheela look at him: why did he do that pramod? Why did he lied? I lived a lie for whole Four years.. away from you.
Because of that Ansh had to live without his father's love.
It's all my mistake I shouldn't have trusted him. I should have waited for u.. but I promise pramod I thought he think me as his sister and he will not lie so I trusted his word.

He is ur brother so I believed him but it's still my mistake.. I should have waited for u. U comma and I just run from there acting like coward.

I m sorry pramod for everything, I had to say all those things to u because dad told he will kill u. I got afraid and that's why I agreed to get marry.

Still dad tried to kill u. It's all happened because of me. If I would not have ur life then u wouldn't have to face that. Ur family would have loose u forever.. if I haven't met u.. ( interuppted)

Pramod :( he cups her face) sshh! No susheela, it's not ur mistake. I should have trusted u. Don't blame yourself for someone's doing. It's not mistake to trust agni, he was wrong who lied to u.

And what are u saying, if u would not have come in my life then how Ansh would have come in our life?

I know u had to face so much and Ansh too but everything has to be end. I m here with u susheela, in front of u.

He bring her face closer to him and lean toward her. He wipe her tears and put his forhead against her. He was also crying.

P : don't cry please. I still can't see my princess with tears.

Susheela just hugged him tightly listening it. She wrapped her arm around him and hide her face in his chest.

Pramod also hugged her back. He kissed her hair and put his one hand around her waist holding her close and another in her hair, ruffling it.

He closed his eyes and let the tear wash out his pain. She clutched his suit in her tight grip and was sobbing.

P : shh susheela..
( He break the hug and put her hair behind ) calm down shh..
After sometime susheela finally calm down.

S : u won't go leaving me this time na?

P : never, I want to live with my wife and my son. If I will leave u then I will loose my life..

S :( put her hand on his lips) no please, never say this please. I get scare even with thought of loosing u again. I survived that time but will not be able to bear next time.. I will di..

She stopped by pramod as she felt his lips on her. He gently put his lips on her and kissed her softly. Susheelas hand moved to his hair and she also respond the kiss.

He deepen the kiss and started dominating her. She let him do it happily. After few minutes they broke the hug breathing heavily.

S:( breathing heavily) I missed u pramod. I missed u so much.

P :( breathing heavily too) missed u too and i love u so much.

S : I love u too pramod..

Then she thinks something and ask:
Pramod u told that agnu said I m married and gone away with my husband.. why did he said that?

And u told u come to know about me two weeks before. If he was trying to keep u away from me, he wouldn't have let u find me, right?

P : that's what I want to know? Why he did that to us? And about u, I just find u by myself and just my p.a. Arjun knew that I was trying to search you.

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