1 - running away

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||I'll try to make this as formal as possible||

||None's pov||

"I AM DONE *cough* WITH THESE *cough* PEOPLE'S BULLSHIT!!" Theseus screamed on his pillow "I want to run away..." he thought but then the idea hit him. What if he did? all his problems would vanish

He stood up and started packing for his journey but then he realized 'where would he go', he took a map of the world and started to find where he should leave to, he was frustrated he couldn't think of a place then" his eyes suddenly caught the attention of a place.. "2b2t"

An anarchy place with no rules whatsoever, it will be dangerous for a 10-year-old like him but he was a good fighter a thing he could do that his family never saw, he could beat a full-grown man at his age, he knew he wasn't weak and 2b2t might be a good place for him.

He took his items, money, etc., he wore non-formal clothes and a cloak so no one would notice him after that he was ready to run away, he sat at his window and jumped.

Knowing he had already done this in the past he knows what to do, after a while he was on solid ground and of course, started running the wind made him feel.. free but it wasn't long when he heard a yell. it was the guards. they probably thought he was a thief or an assassin that had just murdered someone.

He was running for his life at this point but he somehow lost them, he was running till he found the docks he saw a person, she looked like she was waiting for someone, Tommy walked up to her and asked "which boat here is the boat to 2b2t?" he asked then the person stared at him for a while which made him nervous "actually, I was about to sail to 2b2t, my son trains there" she said "could I.. umm tag along?" he said "oh, sure!" she said, "do I need to pay?" Theseus asked "no! you don't need to," she said "my name is captain puffy! puffy was taken," she said 

"My name is... Thes- Tommy, Tommy.. innit"  Tommy said "nice to me you Tommy!" puffy said "nice to meet you too captain puffy," he said "you can just call me puffy you know," she said smiling brightly "ok, puffy," he said, puffy's smile became brighter (brighter than my future-)

She checked the time after some seconds her eyes went wide "IM LATE!" she said, "what's wrong?" Tommy asks "I NEED TO PICK UP MY SON," she said quickly running to her boat and getting on "come on!" she said "oh! ok," Tommy said quickly getting on the boat knowing 2b2t is near nations they will be getting here in some minutes or hours- making puffy more late.



why what?

why so short-

I can't make a long one so-

wag ka mag gawa ng excuses gago

idc bye


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