3 - meeting puffy's son

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||2 days later||

"WE'RE HERE!" puffy yelled "oh my goodness I underestimated how long it would take" she sighed "of course, it would take long 2b2t is quite far" Tommy sighed "since we're here now, let us find my son!" she said quickly grabbing Tommy's hand and running "slow down, please," he said "oh! sorry" she laughed nervously "anyways we are here now," she said and Tommy looked at the large arena with wide eyes.

"Woah." he said "It's cool right?" she laughed "yeah!" Tommy said "some say this arena was made for one of the prince in the arctic empire!" she said "its probably techno," he thought "and you can even win your own castle here!" she said "really?" he asked "yeah, you just need to get first place!" she said "Woah" Tommy was very impressed.

They kept talking about the place until they reached the training room, "mom!" someone yelled they took a glance to see a boy with dirty blonde hair waving at them "MY DUCKLING!" she quickly went to him and hugged him "who's this?" the guy with dirty blonde hair asked "oh, this is Tommy I met him when I was waiting for my food, but never came" she said

"Nice to meet you, Tommy, I am Clay WasTaken, but you can call me Dream," Dream said "nice to meet you too" Tommy smiled "what a bright smile" dream mumbled "you must be new here right?" dream asked "yeah, I ran away from home (like what my bff did-)" he said "oh. must be family problems huh?" dream said feeling bad for the boy "yeah..." Tommy said with a sad tone

"awww...." puffy said "dream guess what I'm going to do today," she said making the two boys look at her in confusion "oh, I know that look." dream said making Tommy even more confused "huh?" he said "wait here" puffy said running back to the ship, "so Tommy tell me more about yourself" dream said

||10 min later||

"I AM BACK!" she said with a paper in her hand making dream smile and Tommy was more confused than he already is "here sign it," she said "ok?" Tommy looked at the paper not paying attention to the text and signed it  "did you pay attention to the texts?" dream asked, "no why?" Tommy said and the two looked at each other with a smile, Tommy was confused to he reads it "WAIT WHA-" he said

"congrats you have been adopted," dream said making Tommy's eye widen in shock "i- I don't know how to react" Tommy smiled "thank you," he said making the 2 happy that he wasn't mad

"now you should meet the others because you will be battling them," dream said making Tommy nervous


||T B C||

stop with the cliff hangers, creator 😭😭😭


now TBC.

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