11 - beau

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It was just a normal day, Tommy decided to take a day off and visit the arctic empire again. He walked around the shops buying everything that he thought was interesting and useful, he was having a great time, he was just chilling when he bumped into a woman, she had a unique hair like ranboo, her hair was blonde and black, she was wearing a green-ish dress with black details and a gold butterflies, "sorry for bumping into you" Tommy bowed "No, it's alright" she smiled "my name is Tommy" he gave her a warm smile "Beau" Beau said, they talked for sometime and hangout, they talked about their day, personality, beau talked about her family background and Tommy was listening interested about their history

Everything was going well until beau asked if he could tell her about his family "oh.. my family neglected me when I was little.." Tommy said feeling a familiar pain in his throat,  "oh. I am sorry for asking" her fan opened covering her frown "no, it is fine. I already moved on.. or at least u think I did..." He said, he started to feel pain in his throat wanting to cough it out. It wasn't long before he started coughing and beau looked very worried "are you alright? Do you need some water?" She asked "Im alright this happens everytime I think about my old family." He said looking very sick from coughing, when he said that beau thought about it for a while. Her aunt was a medic and she was trying to figure out on what caused him to cough Then it hit her.


"The curse of the artic empire. The family tree's secret. The Hanahaki Disease, it happens when a person loves their family (platonically) or lover, but when that family does not love the person or when the person knew that they did not love them. They will start coughing flowers.. the color of the flower is the family's or the lover's favorite color. It was a curse from the arctic empire.. it started when queen Kristen got it.. the only cure is surgery or if that person changes their mind about the person they love." Beau's aunt said, beau stayed quiet when her aunt said it "The effect only happens to the arctic empires blood line. King Phil asked Crowned price dream about a cure and crowned price dream told him a fake cure. It was funny of course, no way a king would believe him." Her aunt laughed and beau laughed with her

"What was the fake cure he said?" Beau asked and her aunt quoted "Let a person in your blood line get the Hanahaki Disease and when they throw up the petals get the petals and turn them into some sort of soup" beau's aunt and beau started to laugh "And King Phil thought that the Hanahaki Disease would spread to his blood line, it would only spread if they treat a one of their blood line badly" beau's aunt said "no way that king Phil would do that" beau laughed a little, after a while her aunt showed her the process in how to do the surgery, "but I must warn you, if you do this surgery a patient might have risk that they would lose a memory of their loved ones, and replaced by the person that actually loves them" her aunt said "if this surgery succeeds, they will still have some love left behind for their old family or lover that they had loved but they will now know the person who actually loved them the most" beau's aunt said "so, it's basically a win, win no matter the outcome?" Beau asked "well it's up to the patient if it's a win, win" beau's aunt replied

[] Flashback ends []

"I can't believe it..." Beau thought "are you ok?" Tommy looked at beau worried, even though he should be worrying about himself, "your Theseus aren't you?" Beau asked and Tommy looked at her with wide eyes "how?.." Tommy was speechless, beau explained the Hanahaki disease and on how he got it, tommy was shocked on what he heard "Phil neglected me because he thought the cure was.." Tommy was shocked and speechless "even though.. dream still did everything for me. " Tommy said, beau told tommy that everytime he spend time with the person he loves, his Disease won't take action and also explained that dream curing his Hanahaki Disease slowly because the Disease wouldn't take action anymore "usually when a person talked about their hated people back in the days and they have the Hanahaki Disease they would pass out from pain" beau said and tommy looked more shock by the second

"Your lucky to have such friend crowned prince" beau smiled and that was when Tommy realized that dream was doing everything for him, they talked for a while and beau told tommy that his Disease was almost cured, Tommy was surprised, beau and tommy became bestays that day and also made beau visit 2b2t, she slayed everytime she fought
Defeating every enemy with style


Sorry if it sucks rn I'm writing this at midnight, anyways bye.

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