9.5 - Katheryne and Big T

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[]No one's pov[]

"Hey Katheryne" Tommy said "ad astra-" Katheryne was cut off by Tommy "I did my commissions" he smiled "Oh, Thank you for completing today's commissions. Here is your reward" Katheryne gave him some stuff to use in battle "thank you, see you soon!" He smiled before walking away "FUCK SHES SO WEIRD-" Tommy was still close to the guild he could still hear Katheryne from there, then he suddenly hear her say something bone chilling "ERROR!" Katheryne said making Tommy looked at her worriedly "Rebooting..." She said staring at nothing "FUCK I NEED TO RUN AWAY" Tommy ran as fast as he can back to his room and tried to process what just happened

After a while he went back to dream to tell him what happened and dream just looked at him with a "first time?" Face and Tommy just looked him worried "wha-" tommy said "it's ok, nothing special... I think." He said "what." Tommy looked at him with a "wtf" face "papa!" Shroud ran up to him "hello my sweet child" Tommy smiled and dream looked at him "he don't see me?-" dream thought "ok dream, leave now" tommy said making dream feel betrayed "ok" he wiped a fake tear and then left

Mean while he hasn't been going to fights lately and the people where being less day after day, Phil and the others were deciding that they would leave soon but then the announcer released a schedule for big T's fight and people decided to show up more so they won't miss out, and that's Phil knew that "Big T" was the attraction, he decided to wait till Big T's fight


Haha.. I need to sleep

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