6 - passing on to generations

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[] with dream []

Dream was walking to Tommy's room but he saw something he didn't expect the young boy throwing up petals.. with blood..., he immediately came to help "I pretended to say the cure to the disease, but why did they choose the youngest?!" dream thought


"PLEASE TELL US THE CURE FOR THIS DISEASE!" King Philza begged, "why should I?" dream gave an evil grin "IF THIS DISEASE PASSES ON TO YOUNGER GENERATION, THERE WOULD BE NO HEIR!" King Philza said, "This empire has already been corrupted,  I dare not say the cure." Dream said "PLEASE I AM DOWN ON MY KNEES," King Philza said,  "tsk. fine" dream said "you would need the petals the person threw up, clean it and turn it into a tea. then let them drink it, it will cure after 1 month." dream said secretly laughing in the inside  "how to get the disease? make a person feel, unloved, neglect them, whatever you can do to betray their love." dream said "PFTTTTTTT- DO THEY THINK IT WILL PASS ON TO YOUNGER GENERATIONS?!??!?" dream thought

"THANK YOU FOR TELLING US PRINCE DREAM," King Philza said "there is no way they trust me," dream thought. not knowing they blindly trusted his words, the king and the princes didn't care about their younger brother because they thought he was the reason for the queen's death, they made him think he was loved for some years, but then they turn their backs.

||not flashback anymore||

"THESEUS WHAT HAPPENED?" dream asked secretly knowing the real cure. "i- *cough* I am f- *cough* fine.." Theseus said "NO YOUR NOT," dream looked around to see a cup of water, he took it and gave it to Theseus "drink," he said, Theseus gladly took the water and drank "there, there," dream pat his back, "it's ok," dream said "sorry for worrying you," Theseus said "no, no it's ok," dream gave a slight smile, while dream was comforting Theseus, dream was mad "HOW COULD THEY CHOOSE THE YOUNGEST CHILD?!?!" dream thought,  "no wonder he left home..." dream thought "it's my fault..." he thought again, dream looked at Theseus again, he has slept while dream was thinking, "don't worry Theseus, ill make things better." dream thought

||a day later||

Theseus was just walking around but then he heard people talking "have you heard? the arctic empire-" marites diplomat 1 said "the arctic empire? did something bad happen again?.." marites diplomat 2 said,  "Kind philza took a commoner in." marites diplomat 1 said "HUH?!, NO WAY." marites diplomat 2 said "I KNOW RIGHT! they might be replacing Prince Theseus..." marites diplomat 1 frowned and marites diplomat 2 stayed quiet 

"they.. are.. replacing.. me..?" Theseus was heartbroken, but then something was in his throat, it hurt.. he wanted to get it out. he felt like coughing.. he immediately ran to the bathroom and started coughing







I'm 11 now...

I tried hard...

maybe it's time to give up...

he was crying but then a voice spoke "if they aren't good to you. then maybe they don't deserve your love." it was a woman's voice, he couldn't see who "find someone else.. people who would love you no matter what.." she said, "my warrior, you've worked so hard.." she said in a gentle voice, then he knew who it was. it was your mom- jk, it was his mom.

then he snapped back to reality "she's right.. I need someone else. and I don't need them to love me" he thought "but who?..." he thought, he remembered his friends and dream, "they are the only ones I need." he got up, feeling the weight on his shoulders disappear


sorry if this was short :')

but hey, at least i updated

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