Late Night Cuddle

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Waking up in the middle of the night was not what Tom planned on doing but his body doesn't give a flying fuck what he planned. In a groggy manor Tom looked over at his clock reading 3:45AM. "Why the fuck can't I sleep" he murmured to himself getting up from his bed to get a drink. By drink you probably think he's getting water; no, he's getting hard vodka cause nothing can put you to sleep better than being drunk. Granted he would be hungover in the morning but at this rate Tom really didn't care.

By the time he made it to the kitchen and to his alcohol drawer it was about 3:50AM. Grabbing his vodka, which was only half a bottle, and spinning off the lid, Tom chugged the whole thing down and braced himself for that horrible aftertaste. After a few moments of suffering he grabbed another bottle, this time it was just regular old wine, and drank the rest of what was left in the bottle. At around 4:10AM Tom had drank about a whole bottle's worth of alcohol; which is concerning but that's besides the point, all Tom-who was absolutely wasted at this point-could think of was Tord. But as you know when you think of the devil, he appears.

Tom watched as Tord walked passed the kitchen and out the house. Now usually he wouldn't care what Tord was doing up at 4:10am, but Tom is very very drunk. So in a moment of a pure blank head, he walked towards the door and went outside. What Tom saw will not really surprise anyone, Tord was smoking his Russian cigar or whatever it was, Tom never knew nor cared to find out. But something surprised him a little, he actually wanted to know what he was smoking though he would never ask. Or thats what he thought.

After a few moments of watching Tord, Tom spoke up "What are you smoking? Can I take a hit?". Tom looked at tord with an expressionless clearly drunken face while Tord looked back with a bit of shock that slowly turned into understanding. "It's a Spanish Galleon Maduro Toro cogar" he had responded. Tom looked at Tord with a confused look "Can you say that again but in english?". If you could see him, you would clearly understand why Tom was struggling to process a type a cigar that the author took 20 minutes trying to find because they know jack shit about smoking. "It's like a big cigarette with half the kick and lasts a bit longer because it's 6 inches." after a few seconds of Tom staring into Tord's eyes he finally processed what Tord was saying and made and O shape with his mouth, though no words nor sounds came out, "Can I take a hit?" Tom asked again. Tord looked at Tom then at his cigar and back at Tom again, "I suppose you can" he said while handing it to Tom.

Now Tom has never smoked in his life, he was too busy being an alcoholic to even try, so when he went to take a hit of Tord's cigar he did it extremely wrong, which made Tord cringe but let him do what he wanted since he was clearly drunk out of his mind. After a few puffs back and forth between them Tord decided that Tom had had enough and put out his cigar. "Alright Tom, we should get back to bed, it's..." He checks his watch "4:50am" Tord had an expecting face as if he thought Tom would agree, but to his disappointment Tom sat down on the concrete and closed his eyes. Tord, not wanting to deal with Tom, decided to just pick him up and leave him on the couch to sleep. So thats what he does, picking Tom up bridal style -because it was the easiest way to carry him in the position Tom had been sitting in- and walking into the house with a struggle.

Inside the house Tord walked over to the couch, just when he was about to lay Tom down he heard something. "Can I sleep with you tonight? My room is cold and I hate this couch" Tord looked at Tom with a surprised face. After thinking for a few moments Tord decided to go through with Tom's request, half because he didn't want to deal with Tom's drunk cries and also because he was only going to sleep for about 2 more hours so what could it hurt. "Alright, lets go to my room then" Tord said as he walked towards his bedroom.

Walking to his bed he lays Tom down as he instantly falls asleep when his head hits the pillow. Tord then walked to the other side of the bed and took off his slippers, climbed into bed and slowly drifted asleep.

Approximately 2 1/2 hours pass after they both fell asleep, meaning it was time for Tord to wake up. One problem, there was something holding onto him. Tord decided to open his eyes to see what was holding him down, low and behold, it was Tom. His strong arms held tightly around Tord in a hugging position, making him look like a bear holding onto a tree. Now it's very rare to see Tom like this, neither Edd or Matt have seen this side of him. So like anyone would Tord decide to not disturb him by getting up, instead he wrapped his arms around Tom, closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep once again.

On the other side of the house, Edd had just woken up which is very surprising considering he absolutely loathes early mornings. But since Tord had moved back in he decided it would be good to get up early and chat with him before he and Tom start fighting right in front of his face. Edd has known Tord for years, so he knew what time Tord gets up at, this time is around 7:30am. When Edd got to the kitchen and saw he wasn't up he checked his watch, '7:46am' it read. Now Edd being the curious being he is decided it would be a good idea to go and look for Tord, "He's probably in the bathroom" Edd said out loud for some reason, definitely not because he knew people are watching his every move.

After looking in all of the bathrooms in the house, under Matts bed and in his closet, as well as in the toilet Edd wasn't able to spot Tord. "Maybe he's getting more of his stuff" he said again to seemingly nobody. Edd walked over to the front curtains to see if Tord's car was there. His car was in fact in the driveway, horribly parked but it was there. The last room Edd could look for Tord in was his room. So thats was he did.

Edd quietly opens Tords door to see him asleep cuddling with Tom. "This game is definitely going to take longer than they think" he spoke in a whisper. Closing the door Edd smiled and went to the kitchen to make his breakfast.

Word count: 1207
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sorry for not posting in awhile, I procrastinated writing the fic🫶🫶

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