The game of Gay Chicken

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It was approximately one year after 'The End' part one and two episodes. The group ended up rebuilding their house because it just made more sense than living in three different apartments right next to each other. Their lives were back to normal, having not heard from Tord other than the occasional letter or wanted poster hanging around. After a year, the group let go of the fact that Tord wanting to take over the world and all... Well at least Edd did...and Matt accidentally using the memory eraser gun again... But aside from that, it was all good. Kind of.

The day was a normal one. The zombies were dead and Tom was too, but only on the inside. As people wake up, Edd eats his daily breakfast consisting of cola and ew cereal while Matt sleeps in for his 'beauty sleep'. Tom walks in as he usually does on this really normal day that is definitely normal and nothing else. "Oh Tom, I need to tell you something" Edd says while eating a bite of cereal. "OWMN-" Tom yanks the spoon from his mouth "Don't speak with food in your mouth, remember what happened last time" Tom said, sounding like they would enter a flashback, but the artist said no to that. "Well it worked out didn't it?" Edd questions Tom. "No, Tord tried to take over the world last time" "... Yeah well speaking of Tord" Edd started while Tom's face disfigured more and more at the mere mention of Tord. "Spill it Edd" Tom requested sliding down into a chair next to him. "Well, Tord is moving back in today :D" Tom sat there in disbelief at what his dumb friend had just said "Tord? You mean the guy who tried to take over the world? The hentai loving guy?? The smoker??? That Tord?" Tom's words got more and more aggressive as he spoke "Why would you let that guy move back in? Isn't he some kind of red leader?? Besides where would he even stay???" Tom questioned Edd with an angry look on his face while Edd stared back with his goofy smile he always has. "We can get bunk beds :D" Edd responded. "YAY BUNK BEDS" Matt yelled out "HOLY HORSES POOP IN A BARNYARD WHERE DID YOU COME FROM??" Tom jumped out of his seat to see Matt standing there in the kitchen doorway. "I heard bunk beds and I ascended" Matt had said while he walked over to get the pancakes Edd made him "Damn these pancakes are lookin gooooooood" He said while lip-biting "Matt you say that every time I make pancakes shaped like your face." Edd said as Tom looked back and forth at him and Matt. "So you both really don't have a care in the world about Tord moving back in???" Tom questioned "Who's Tord" Matt answered "Come on Tom! It'll be fun :D" Edd said trying to convince Tom it was a good idea. "I, I need a drink" Tom got up and walked out presumably going to get a drink "OKAY DON'T STAY OUT TOO LATE!" Edd yelled hoping Tom heard him. "Eddie who is Tord?" Matt said again "It's Edd, and he was our old roommate that tried to take over the world!" Matt rubbed his chin trying to think "Doesn't ring a bell" "We really need to take that memory eraser gun away from you".

Tom grabs the door handle, turns it, opens the door and walks into the house as one naturally does. After an hour of drinking nonstop you'd think a normal human being would be drunk and/or dead, but Tom isn't a normal human being. Well, whats close to one anyways. "Edd I'm back, Matt better not have eaten all the bacon while I was gone" Tom says walking into the living room and plopping down onto the couch, not prepared to get back up seconds later from a doorbell ringing. He walked over to the door and opened it to see who it was, the who in question being Tord. "Hello old fr-" Tom slammed the door on his face and walked back to the couch as Edd ran to the door to open it again. "TORDDD :D" "EDDD MY BUDDIE HOW ARE YOU?" Tord walks in to give Edd a hug "I'm doing great :D how have you been?" Edd responded. To answer Edd's question Tord lifted his right arm to show that it has been turned into metal. Tom looked over to find out what the clanging sound was just to see a long red metallic arm with a glowing blue gem on the center of the hand assuming thats how it was being powered. Amazed by the fact it actually works Tom stares at it for a while, a long while, a long enough while for Tord to realize. "You like what you see Jehovah?" Tord does a half smirk half smile type thing and walks over to Tom. Tom shifted his eyebrows down, crossing his arms as Tord made his way over. "No your 'new' robotic arm is just disruptive Commie" Tom said giving Tord a dirty look "Ah how I missed this" "Missed what? Me completely destroying you in talking?" Tom gave Tord a smirk only edging him on to start a war between the two. "Hey hey calm down, lets play some games and catch up" Edd said getting in between them "I like video games" Matt said appearing from the bathroom after doing his hair for the 6th time that day. "Matt I've missed you!" Tord said turning around to go and give Matt a hug "Who are you" Matt said in response "Have you guys not taken the memory eraser gun from him yet?" Tord asked turning to Edd "I tried but he hid it somewhere!" "Video games :D" Matt said again. Tord and Edd stare at him and brush off the odd feeling that Matt gives off every once in awhile. "Alright Matt, lets play some games" Tord said "Lets see what we've got... Hmmmm" Edd looked through the games until he found a four player game known as fortnite "FOUND ONE :D" Edd said holding the game up "WE ARE NOT PLAYING FORTNITE" Both Tom and Tord said at the same time "D:" "At least you know a bad game to play for four people when you see it commie" "Oh I'm sure we all know that it's not a good game" Tord said in remark to Tom's comment. "Well the only other game we have is just dance so choose between that" Edd says with a frown honestly wanting to play fortnite. Tom and Tord look at each other, then at Matt who zoned out, and back at each other, they shrugged settling on the game "Better than fortnite" Tom said in relief of not playing that game knowing Tord would make fun of the fact that Tom has almost all of the skins in fortnite. "Good choice" Edd says putting the game in and going to take a seat. Edd sits in the middle between Matt and Tom while Tord sits on the end next to Matt. Edd opens up the game on the wii because the wii is superior and everyone gets ready to dance.

A few days pass by at the house, Tom usually try's to avoid Tord but when he does bump into the one and only it tends to end in a fight between the two. Edd is so close to kicking them both out till they get along but decides against it because that would just copy the really good pork soda tomtord animatic on youtube by maethoriann. Sliding to the computer Edd googles 'how to get your roommates to stop fighting', scrolling through the multitude of ways to get them to get along he can't seem to find one that would work and cause for less confrontation. The only thing he could do at that time was to do nothing, and that's what Edd did.

A week goes by from when Edd used google and nothing has gotten better, at this point Matt is even upset by it. Going back to the google search engine Edd looks up 'urban dictionary' as Matt watched. They scrolled and scrolled until they came across something that peaked both of their interest. "Gay chicken" Edd read out loud "Gay chicken is like the regular game of chicken except that instead of driving at each other on a collision course, players make homosexual advances until one player will 'chicken out'." Edd read. Matt and Edd look at each other, back at the screen, and back at one another both nodding in agreement to what game they need to play with Tom and Tord.

The next day Edd calls a house meeting calling Matt Tord and Tom from their rooms. "Boy's the past few weeks I have been noticing some of us haven't been getting along" Edd stares dead at Tord and Tom creeping them out a bit "I'm not the only one who has realized it but they have been asked to stay anonymous." Tom looks over at Matt to see him sweating like he was about to be murdered. "To try and rekindle the loving relationship we need in this household we will play a game. But not any game, a game called gay chicken. Matt will be pared up with me and Tom will be pared up with Tord." Edd says with a half serious face "Woah woah I know exactly what that game is and there is no way I will be playing it with tord." Tom says about to walk out of the room "The winner gets a favor from me and the favor could be anything, like kicking someone out of the house..." Edd says knowing that will entice Tom to play "... Alright fine I'll play" Tom says walking over to the couch with his arms crossed. "Okay good! What about you Tord? Matt?" "I'm cool with it, I've never played a game like this so it should be fun" Tord said with a smirk "Alrighty! And Matt?" Matt looks up from his mirror "Huh what, I wasn't paying attention" He looked at Edd with a curious face "Matt you're going to be teamed up with me for the game of gay chicken. Any complaints?" Edd said going slowly for Matts tiny pea brain that he thinks he has. "Yes! Many! First of all I could never play a game of gay chicken with anyone besides myself, secondly I-" Edd cuts off Matt "Well okay I guess it will just be Tom and Tord playing" he stares at them to let the two know that they can't back out of this now. "Well, time to get started you both" Edd said with a smile hoping for this to turn out as he wishes.

Word Count 1823
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