Someone, kill me... Not really though.

154 7 5

I dozed off on the way to the volcano. I woke up on my bed with mom trying to get me to take medicine. I told her no and turned away. She insisted, and I ended up taking the pills out of annoyance. I ended up throwing it up, although not in front of her. Like me, my body didn't want medicine either.

I woke up again at 2 AM, a wet towel on my forehead. Did I have a fever? I'm not sure. I was feeling a little better. Maybe sleeping was helping.

I stepped out of my room with a school bag slung over my shoulder. It had all the assignments, textbooks, and materials I needed to catch up for the midterms. I didn't see myself sleeping anytime soon, so I took advantage of the opportunity.

I went to the spot outside where I practiced spinjitzu. I think it's the same place TDL's lackeys tried to drown me. I'm not too sure. My memory is fuzzy.

I set up over at a rock and used my phone as a light. I was there till 5:30 in the morning, tired as ever. I decided to sleep a bit before my uncle came to wake me.

About an hour later (even though it felt like 15 minutes), I felt a nudge on my head. I couldn't react. My body felt like a rock, a rather heavy rock.

"Lloyd," I heard him whisper.

"Yes..." I said, trying to open my eyes. I couldn't. They wouldn't open when I tried.

"Wake up."

I was trying to. However, my body felt heavy and stiff. My eyes wouldn't open either.

"I can't..."

I heard some muttering. I could sense two people there.

"Wow, what fine sheets of paper," One of them said.

"The math on this one looks like it took ages to do," The other said.

I wasn't sure what they were going on about, but I figured they were tampering with homework that took forever to finish. I tried to pull myself out of my sleep even harder.

"Would be bad if someone accidentally spilled their morning coffee all over this pile."

I became worried. Were these two people trying to sabotage the work that took me hours to figure out? Did they not understand the stress I went through?

"Oopsie..." They both said mockingly, the sound of liquid spilling out.

I gasped and found myself awake instantly. A nightmare? It's been a while since I had one of those. Usually, I dream of strange creatures fighting each other. I was frightened, yet relieved, to see that my mind was finally acting like a normal one. Also, the usual downcast feeling in my head seems to have cleared up. I feel like I'm becoming normal. It's kind of exciting.

I looked to find myself still at the beach, a beautiful sunrise in front of me. I'm not even sure how I could describe it. It was just so pretty.

I looked at my watch. It was 6:45. I packed up my stuff and climbed the volcano back into my room. After taking a shower and doing things people did in the morning, I grabbed my bag and climbed out the window. I had no intention of bumping into my mother or TDL. I wasn't exactly healthy, and she would've guessed it. I also felt embarrassed when I realized TDL was the person I called. I'm pretty sure I intended to reach Uncle Wu.

Once I got to the foot of the volcano, I made my way to my uncle's boat. I sat down on the deck and let out a sigh.

"Maybe I shouldn't have stressed myself out too much," I groaned and decided to stretch my arm a bit.

I regretted it instantly. The pain was terrible. I tried to put it back in its original position, but doing that was just as bad. Quietly, I struggled to stretch the arm a little since it would hurt either way. It makes me wonder how I was able to shower, do all those things, and scale the walls of a volcano. Perhaps I'm just sore from doing all that climbing.

I sighed once again. I noticed that besides my arm, every other part felt aching. I became afraid to stand up. I then checked the time. It wasn't 7:30 yet. My uncle was still making his way from his breakfast. I agreed with myself to rest for only a bit, but then-

"Good morning, Lloyd!" A chirpy female voice rang through my ears. I opened my eyes and turned my head. As it turned out, that voice belonged to none other than the woman who birthed me.

"Morning," I replied. When I first met this woman, I was strangely nervous and anxious. Now I think I'm annoyed. She's putting in a lot of effort to reenter my life. My uncles are okay with it for some reason, but I can't just seem to accept it.

"What? Did you forget about the operation?"

There! Right there! See how she speaks like we're already friends! It's off-putting, you know.

"No, I didn't."

If you forgot, Operation Fil-ha is a plan to acquaint me with my family members. That being TDL and my mother. I'm okay with TDL. He seems to understand when and when not to cross the line. On the other hand, my mother seems to think the line doesn't exist since we're family. It's why I get along with TDL more than I do her.

"Good, I'll be taking you to school today. And we'll be using that."

She pointed at a jet ski floating by the boat, waiting for its next passengers.

"Why? We could get wet."

"Come on, don't be a chicken," She said with a laugh, "As you kids say these days, let's get our rizz on and aim for the W!"

"E- excuse me?"

"Don't you want your school friends to see you slay on your way to the mainland? Hurry up." She hopped over the deck and landed on the jet ski.

"I'm here worried about getting wet and you're there thinking of me- what was it you said- slaying? Do you even know what that means?"

"When you, like, conquer something and everyone thinks you were amazing. Isn't that the most obvious thing?"

The amount of embarrassment and cringe I felt from everything she said was enough to end me. Just recollecting it is making my insides churn.

Today wasn't all that interesting. So far, at least. It's lunch period now and I'm in the bathroom writing journal entries. Such joy. I'm going back to class now.

Assuming nothing interesting happens for the rest of the day, then I shall continue with the explanations in the next chapter. And please, someone kill me, although not literally. The woman from this morning just sent me a text saying "Slay! Let your rizz shine!" and a blowing heart emoji.

I don't even know what those words mean but I doubt they're meant to be used like that. Help... Till later!

Journal of Lloyd M. Garmadon- Ninjago AUWhere stories live. Discover now