Apologies... I think

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I'm back and today was oddly satisfying. I still haven't figured out what's going on with uncle Wu but I did figure out a couple of things about my friends, though. I'll tell you later on.

Starting from where I stopped a while back, Nya was pinning me to a table in the cafeteria while everyone stared at me wondering what I was going to do next. I had just threatened some people who wouldn't stop staring at me. Nya didn't seem to like that I did though.

"What was that?" Nya asked, "How come they just listened to you even though you sounded so jerkish?"

Nya only thought I sounded "jerkish" because I didn't say what I said to her. I said it to someone else. It's a normal thing really. That's why it's easy for someone who isn't bullied to try and stand up to the bully while the person who is being bullied already has the fear registered in his or her head. I'm not a bully though, I just have this cold voice whenever I get angry or sometimes it just comes naturally when I feel agitated or frustrated. On a normal day, my voice is stuck between raspy and that of a normal grown-up teen.

"Well?" She asked. I hadn't even realized I was spacing out then. I was thinking of how to get out of the situation I was in.

"Look, Nya," I told her, "You of all people should know I don't feel like talking to you and the guys."

"I do know that but you're going to have to anyway," She said, "Either you come with me now or risk having them following you around 24 hours a day, seven days a week, till you agree to talk."

I really didn't want a group of stalkers on my tail and neither did I want to face them. Nya eventually let me go but still kept herself on the defensive in case I tried to avoid her again.

"Let's talk about this somewhere else," I suggested, "Away from the people."

And then I heard a camera shutter, followed by a blinding light against my face. Wanna bet who it was, taking my picture to put on his gossip blog?

That's right. Micheal.

It was almost as if Micheal was itching for pain. The last time I broke his arm, what more did he want? I got angry that Micheal did the same thing, again. The next thing I knew, Micheal was on the other side of the cafeteria falling from the human-sized dent in the wall he made when I kicked him.

"You know what the funny thing is?" I asked trying to keep in my laughter. I wasn't laughing because I thought it was funny, it was because I thought it was unbelievable.

"What?" He groaned in pain.

"It's that we've been at this for years and you still never learn," I answered.

I didn't even realize when I picked up a crowbar which looking back makes me wonder why there was a crowbar in the cafeteria in the first place. It's like it just appeared out of nowhere. Either way, I was holding a crowbar and doing that thing where you rotate it between your fingers and I bent down towards Micheal's level.

"Ever watched that animated Batman movie where The Joker kidnapped the Robin named Jason?" He immediately opened his eyes wide knowing what happened in that movie.

"Wanna find out how Jason ended up? I can guarantee I'll give you the full experience." I rotated the crowbar around trying to keep my real laughter inside. Micheal just kept on shaking his head since he knew what I was implying.

"Hey, that's enough, okay, Lloyd."

It was Nya. I turned around to face her with a smirk on my face then I turned back to Micheal. I threw the crowbar up a few times making sure to catch it each time. And then, I let it go.

Journal of Lloyd M. Garmadon- Ninjago AUWhere stories live. Discover now