Hungry Pt 4

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Continuing from the last entry, I was in Uncle Wu's office, and what I thought would be fifteen minutes in there ended up being over a day. My phone was missing (no surprise there), and everywhere was dark. It seemed that out of tiredness, I had fallen asleep at a point and had a weird dream. Well, I didn't think it was a dream at first. I'm still not sure since it felt so real.

I was in a dark room with no windows and a locked door. I think the room was empty, but I'm having trouble remembering. However, something stuck out to me in that dream. A television in the middle of the room replayed a weird dream I had a few days ago. Yes, the dream I mentioned a few entries ago, which I said I would get to later but never did. Sadly, I don't think we will ever get to it since I don't remember anything. It's so frustrating too! It's like the dream is within my reach, but my hand isn't long enough to access it! The worst part is I feel like it's something important...

Well, moving on... Sunday afternoon rolled in, and I awoke on a familiar couch. Once I recognized the comfortable linen, I let out a heavy sigh. I told myself, "This was not happening again."

Why can I not enjoy one straight week of nothing happening to me where I wake up on the living room couch?? I want to come home and go to bed like your average sixteen-year-old. I'm honestly not joking when I say this didn't happen before I was sixteen! I led a simple life. Sure, I was bothered by Michael and Chen. Maybe the school hated/feared me. So what if I was isolated and depressed? At least I didn't go around passing out in random places and waking up on the sofa like it was my bed. They may as well stitch my name on it.

Okay. Fine. It was only a few times. Very few. Still, I'm not liking where this is going. Besides, the point isn't that the couch has become my new bed. It's that I'm dealing with more than I signed up for.

On my birthday, I blew up on my friends and injured, I think, two of them. I later found out my mom was alive and blew up on her as well. Let's not forget I ran away from home. The next day, I found the ninjas' secret base, met the ninjas, and found out my uncle was the ninjas' Sensei. I think the day after that, I was kidnapped and taken to TDL's volcano island. I then found out that TDL is my uncle. In other words, the evil villain trying to take over the city is related to me.

Continuing, we have my uncle acting suspiciously and possibly giving me up to Michael's scary, traumatizing mother. Then I blow up again. My "detective sense" disappears. There's also the evil robot, GEM. I rode the bus! I tried to talk to my mother again and blew up at her again. A dream with a talking rat, a random page in my journal that was not written in my handwriting, more dealing with Michael and Chen, more migraines, and more crazy things.

I am so tired...

Anyway... I opened my eyes, not at all startled by the blurry view (do I even need to mention it at this point?). I sat straight on the couch and stretched my hands and neck while waiting for my vision to clear. (I wonder if Uncle Wu would know why this was happening. He checked it once but never said a word.)

I sat staring at the floor until my vision cleared up. Thankfully, it only took about five minutes. I looked up and noticed the empty living room. I saw my watch charging by the wall, the screen displaying the date and time. To the left lay a note stating I was banned from the kitchen- so much for eating. I remember I said I'd get more into this, but there's not much to get into... All it said was I was not allowed in the kitchen ever. Hungry, I decided to write a few journal entries.

I left for my room to bathe. Since no one was home, I took my sweet time staring into space while water poured down my body. That was until I heard the doorbell ring.


"Who could be ringing the doorbell?" I questioned. "It better not be TDL." I forced myself out of the tub and quickly got ready to answer the door. With a towel on my hair and a fresh set of clothes on my body I hurried to the door. As I passed the living room, I saw the sun had set, adding to my suspicions that it might be TDL at the door or Uncle Wu.

So, the way the entrance is designed is that we have an elevator, and after the elevator drops you off at our floor, you're met with a door leading into TDL's house.

I put my eye against the peephole, and as per my guess, it was TDL.

"Don't you have a key?" I groaned from behind the door.

"Luh-Loyd, you're awake," TDL stated. He looked like he was carrying a load of bags with him. "I forgot my key on the dining table. Help me with the door, will you?"

"And how did you lock the door without the key?" I asked as I walked over to retrieve the key. The bunch of keys were at the table like he said, the steel keychain with "GARM" engraved glistened under the light.

"Your uncle, obviously," TDL said as I put the key into the keyhole. "Have you found the key? Are you able to unlock the door? Do you know which key it is?"

"Yeah..." The door opened, and TDL, who seemed to have been resting against the door, almost fell.

"The eggs!" TDL quickly caught himself and the bags in his hands.

I walked away uninterested in helping. Before I knew it, I had plopped on the couch face down, tired and hungry.

I will continue this entry later. My uncle Wu needs to me do something even though I'm too tired to do anything :(

Journal of Lloyd M. Garmadon- Ninjago AUWhere stories live. Discover now