The Ninja

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The second day after my sixteenth birthday was... exciting, compared to what happened yesterday. I'll tell you all about it.

I was asleep and felt a hand on my arm. I woke up almost immediately and everything looked blurry. I had a headache but not like the weird ear-piercing ones, just the kind you get when you sleep late and wake up early. I was half asleep but I thought I was fully awake. Everything was weird.

"What's going on? Uncle Wu did you try repainting my room in my sleep cause last time you did I was totally covered in paint." Yeah, I actually said that. I rubbed my eyes awake and saw five-colored people standing in front of me. In my head, I was like clowns?

"What are the clowns for? I told you uncle," I was so exasperated. I had totally forgotten last night and thought I was at home. "Clowns are the weirdest."

I stood up and squinted my eyes at the colored people. I still couldn't see things clearly. My brain tends to take time to adjust my sight back to normal after a 'hectic' day.

"Shoo," I pushed them aside and looked around. I wasn't a fan of clowns and was starting to get frustrated that I had some in my room- or what I thought was my room.

It certainly didn't feel like my room at all. For one, I woke up in a box. Not the greatest way to sleep.

"What are a bunch of clowns doing in my bedroom?" Then I thought to myself, "Correction. Why does this room feel so strange?"

"Clowns?" The red one scoffed, "Can't you see we're the ninjas, or are you just that oblivious?" That voice felt strangely familiar. Too familiar...

"Yeah," The blue one said to me as if trying to sound confident. I narrowed my eyes at him to see him properly but for some reason, he flinched back.

"Stop glaring at my friend." The black one demanded. I turned away from the blue person and tried looking at other things but as usual, it was all a blur.

"What am I doing here?" I asked, feeling a little irritated.

"We should be asking you that." The white one said. "How did you find our secret hideout?"

"Not much of a secret hideout if I found it and honestly, I doubt I tried." I looked around. "Wasn't I sleeping in a metal box on top of a ladder?" I remembered that much at least.

"Actually that was the fire mech but we brought you down cause-" I didn't get to hear the rest. The ear-piercing migraine was back and it brought me to my knees before I even knew it. Everything that transpired yesterday came flooding back leaving me gasping for air, literally. It stopped once I remembered everything leaving me like a complete fool in front of the ninja.

My eyesight wasn't back yet but I could tell when the female ninja came to help me up. I took her hand and stood up. Now knowing everything that happened and realizing how embarrassing the past few moments were my face totally went red.

"I am so so sorry. I didn't mean to crash at your place, I got lost last night and then I saw this place and then I told myself I'd stay here till this morning. Which speaking of which is already here so..." I turned to leave but then the white one grabbed my shoulder.

"Actually, our Sensei would like to have a word with you." I raised a brow at them.

"You have a Sensei? This changes everything." I muttered. "Where is he? I need to head home before my uncle gets worried." I picked up my bag from the floor and made sure that everything was there.

"Well, he isn't around anymore, so you'll have to wait till he gets back." The female one said.

"Oh, okay. So do you have a bathroom?"

Journal of Lloyd M. Garmadon- Ninjago AUWhere stories live. Discover now