•How The Quill Club Works•

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Easy. Organised. Genuine.

That's how Risa likes her club interactions.

If you'd like to be part of this club, please do take note of the following:

🍁 Weekly reports are mandatory.

However, the number of chapters to be read per week will be determined by you and your partners. The least number is one, there's no maximum. It's important to note: the lower the number of chapters read, the slower your progress.

Once an agreement has been reached, you're all to make an inline comment on the week's report sheet chapter which will be uploaded in this book. And when the assignment has been completed, you're all to comment done in your assigned area on the report sheet.

In cases where you and your partner are unable to reach a decision about how many chapters you should both read, please send a PM to Risa and she'll make that decision.

🍁 On each chapter read, you're required to leave at least 5 inline comments and 1 outline comment containing at least 3 sentences.

🍁 Generic comments will earn you 0 elite crystals.

Yes, it's that's simple. So do well to leave thoughtful, well-crafted comments on your partner's book. Risa will definitely be checking. These comments could be fun, interactive, constructive, or simply well thought-out . Bottom line, your comments should hold depth and worth. Except, of course, you're in love with stagnancy.

🍁 Elite crystals are earned in the following ways:

• For each chapter you read, you earn 1 elite crystal.
• After each week's report, Risa will evaluate your comments. Leaving impressive inline comments will earn you 1 extra crystal. Leaving an impressive outline comment will also earn you 1 extra crystal.
• Completing a bonus mission will earn you 1 extra crystal.
• Reading a chapter of the book of the month will earn you 1 extra crystal.

It's pretty easy to mine.

🍁 Your crystal bank resets every month! Every two months for ranks 3, 4, and 5. The passcode is the first alphabet of your username. Yes, it's possible to drop down a rank! So make sure to keep those crystal points rolling in.

🍁 Bonus missions are our means of helping other undiscovered writers who are not part of the club, and boosting writers who are working impressively in the club.

All you have to do is leave a few inline comments on a specified chapter of the book. No specific number of comments is required, this one's up to you. If your partner's book has been chosen for a bonus mission, you're kindly exempted.

Bonus missions are not mandatory assignments!

You may choose not to participate in bonus missions. In turn, your book will never be chosen for a mission.

Weekly, a book with good potential may be randomly picked from any corner of the Wattpad community, or selected from any of the following cliques: elite, garnet, amber.
Yes, a book can be chosen multiple times.

🍁 The Book Of The Month is awarded to the writer who has accumulated the most crystals for that month. All members are required to read a specified chapter of the book, leaving at least 5 inline comments and 1 outline comment containing at least 3 sentences. Yes, a book can be chosen multiple times.

And it's a wrap!

Risa's Quill ClubWhere stories live. Discover now