•Club Members•

73 5 0

This is a temporary list as the club hasn't kicked off yet. When it does, those who have applied will be required to confirm their submissions, stating whether or not they're able to continue.


Username: AllyCwrites (on a break)
Rank: The Quill's Cobble
Badge: none

Book's title: Princess Snow And The Empress
Book's genre: fantasy
Current partner: none
Elite crystals for the month: none


Username: ToWolfKin
Rank: The Quill's Cobble
Badge: none

Book's title: A Fallen Homekin
Book's genre: Fantasy
Current partner: Kris_Riel
Elite crystals for the month: 4


Username: Kris_Riel
Rank: The Quill's Cobble
Badge: none

Book's title: A Breath For Rose
Book's genre: New Adult
Current partner: ToWolfKin
Elite crystals for the month: 0
Strike: 1

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