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They rode the shuttle and was transferred to a ferry going to the Cocoa Island Beach. Welcomed them is a beautiful boat house lined in the middle of the ocean. Made of wood, with little windows, warm lighted to highlight its vintage style, the bridges were also lighted perfectly with warm, green, and blue lights.

Nayeon and Sana leave their things in their chamber and went straight to the information table to get their romantic dinner at the sand bank. It was positioned near the shore; a small sand bar was seen with a romantic candle light placed on the ground and on the table. Nayeon bring her Bluetooth speaker and played twice acoustic music starting with 'Precious Love.' They shared a mouthwatering steak dinner under the starry night in the middle of the ocean.

Nayeon stood beside Sana "My wonderful wife, would you like to sway with me tonight?" Nayeon offers her hand and bows like a knight to her Queen 'The Best Thing I Ever Did' was playing. Sana wrapped her arms to Nayeons neck and their foot started to swing to the music.

"This is my favorite song of Twice" Nayeon mumbles. "While Heart Shaker is my favorite." Sana flashes her dazzling eyes to her. "Why did you like heart shaker?" Nayeon asked as they continue their dance, cheeks to cheeks, eyes closed. "Because the ending is good. Sanake hugs Nasoong" Nayeon nods at her "I actually ship them." Sana added, Nayeon giggles "Who wouldn't love that ending." Sana asked Nayeon to go back to the lodge to rest.

Day one of their Maldives experience, they spend their breakfast outside their lodge, a beautiful sun rays reflects the clear water. They prepare for their first activity. They rode a boat for reef snorkeling adventure. Nayeon assist Sana in her life best and their equipment gears. "My wife, are you sure you're okay with this?" Sana mumbles, "As long as I'm with you." The older gave an assuring and warm smile to her wife.

The boat reached the site, they slowly jump off the boat, Sana and Nayeon held their hands together. Nayeon is holding their underwater camera on her left hand, filming the scenery and themselves. They swim along with the small colorful fishes and turtle, above the colorful lively coral reef. Sana is amusedly pointing on her right side Nayeon looked at it and she gave a thumbs up. They enjoy the activity for a couple of minutes. They went back to the boat.

"Baby Did you see that?" Sana is jumping out of happiness while Nayeon is smiling while removing her equipment, Sana exclaimed "We saw Nemo! We find Nemo!" Nayeon smiles and found her so charming.

The boat moves to another destination another level up snorkeling activity. They'll be exploring with ocean's sleekest predators, the white tip and blacktip reef sharks. Sana becomes hesitant, "Don't worry baby, they said they're harmless." Sana furrowed "Shall we trust them?" she nervously asked "If you really don't want to do it Baby we can stay here. It's okay." Nayeon added with an assurance to her wife. Still, they dip into the water with their cameras to take the experience. They were accompanied by a marine biologist to swim with the sharks. The sharks are long and fast moving predators the couple saw how they eat smaller fish. Sana signaled Nayeon to return to the boat. She was already trembling.

Nayeon gave her a warm comforting hug as she shakes, "It was beautiful but I'm really scared of sharks." Sana mumbles, "You're so cute my wife." Nayeon took a video of Sana so they can have laughed about it soon. The boat went back to the shore. They went to the restaurant near the lodge to share their feisty buffet Lunch.

In the afternoon they watch the Cocoa Volleyball Team, Nayeon asked Sana to join but she refused, "I'm dizzy." Sana said, so Nayeon only joined the Cocoa Team. After a tiring game they went back to their lodge to gather some sleep. They woke up at three and they changed to their swimsuits Sana wore Hourglass type while Nayeon wore petite swimsuit. Nayeon get a see-through shawl for their coverings while walking the beach. Sana and Nayeon excitedly dip in a glass clear water, they swim and play around.

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