Chapter 31 - "taste"

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Lil was instructed by Lucinda not to let anyone in Ophena's room while he was resting.  His ankle was still broken,  and Willow was training her healing abilities so she could finish healing it.  Sarachne decided to wait next to Ophena's bedroom door.  He couldn't stop thinking about the way the Angels in the palace looked at him.  So many servants made rude remarks and made sure he didn't feel welcome.  So all Sarachne could do to feel better was to stay close to his friends.  Kat and Neroha were always busy,  so he wasn't able to spend time with them.  He knocked on Ophena's bedroom door,  and he said he could come in.  Sarachne entered the room and closed the door behind him.  "So..  your foot thingy is broken?  Well,  it was pretty noble of you to save that little witch lady."  Sarachne laughed nervously.  It was obvious that he was trying to make light of a bad situation,  but Ophena was thankful,  and smiled.  "Thanks,  Sarachne.  And yea,  my uh,  foot thingy is broken."  he said  "there was a lot of blood when it was first broken—"  Ophena was then interrupted by Sarachne quickly sitting on the bed beside him  "did you say blood?  Is there still any there?  How come I can't smell it?  Is it bandaged that tightly?"  he said as he leaned closer to Ophena's wrapped ankle.  "No.  There's no blood.  And I'm not letting you drink it or whatever you want to do."  Ophena said stoically.  Sarachne then laughed  "if there was still blood there,  I could simply get rid of it by drinking it.  Then you'd be thanking me!"  The spider Hurela said as he proceeded to lean in closer to Ophena again.  "I still wouldn't let you have any,  even if it helped."  Ophena replied  "wait,  what's even so great about human taste anyway?  You seem really obsessed with the idea of eating humans."  He said.  "Oh,  you have no idea!  Besides bugs and rodents,  humans are the only thing I've eaten my whole life!  And they taste amazing!  It's incredibly satisfying when their ribs are being ripped open and drained of all of their liquid!  Bone marrow,  blood,  eyes,  meat,  and fat are all amazing!!  You have no idea what you're missing out on,  Ophy!"  Sarachne said with an unsettling grin.  "No thanks,  spider.  I'm not planning on becoming a cannibal any time soon.  And you can keep those meals to yourself."  Ophena said as he turned his head away in disgust.  Sarachne laughed  "I'm obviously not gonna keep them to myself.  I share with my family!  Why wouldn't I?  Verrryyyy few humans come to Saleru,  so we usually have to starve and resort to eating bugs or rodents!"  He said with his usual joyful smile.  Ophena felt a little sad hearing that.  The idea of creatures who have never left their homes starving concerned him greatly,  and that even made him wonder about Sarachne's family and if they were alright.  "So..  Sarachne?  What's your family like?"  Ophena asked.  Sarachne looked up at Ophena and smiled. "Well, I have lots of cousins, and if I named them all, we'd be here all day, but my two older sisters are called Amy and Mary. Amy used to help me sneak out of the ruins, but she got told off by Mary whenever she does that. So she just stopped one day." Sarachne said. The information he shared was sad, but you could tell that he was happy to talk about his family. He probably missed them a lot. "Hey, do you want to meet them some time? I was thinking of returning to the ruins soon, and maybe you could come with me?" Sarachne said. "Oh, no, no, no. How do you know they won't try to kill me? I remember you tried to do that the day we met! So there's no way they won't want to kill me too." Ophena said. But then, after seeing Sarachne's disappointed expression, Ophena saighed and said "alright, but you have to convince them that killing me isn't a smart idea.". Sarachne just smiled nodded.

That day, Kat was disappointed to hear that Sarachne was leaving, but he explained that he would only be gone for a few days, and that he was coming back, she understood, and Lucinda drove Ophena and Sarachne back to the spider ruins. Ophena sat in the front seat beside Lucinda,  and Sarachne sat in the right back seat.  Ophena needed help getting in the car because of his injury,  but he ended up being okay.  The car ride was incredibly long like last time, and the gorgeous lights of the Surev city reflected on the windows when they passed it.  Sarachne observed the lovely view, but Ophena ignored it.  He just worried about what the Spiders will do once they set their eyes on him..  he was aware that Sarachne was incredibly friendly for a Spider,  and that only made him more anxious.  Lucinda was aware of what Ophena was feeling once she glanced at him.  "Hey,  it's okay.  They aren't going to hurt you.  Sarachne will accompany you,  and do you really think he'll let you die?  Sure,  he's creepy,  and makes unnecessary remarks,  but I can say with certainty that he's joking,  and knows how to stop himself.  You'll be okay."  She said.  Ophena smiled,  and looked out the window and watched the lights.

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