
16 3 2

*This chapter has a mention of abuse and self harm. If anyone of you are uncomfortable, feel free to leave the abuse and the self harm part out. I will add + signs at beginning and the end of the end of the portion.*

I entered the classroom and sat in the first row with my mac book. "I heard a new teacher is coming in the place of Mrs Willis. She was a good teacher and used to love all her students. Samantha also loved her parents very much. She must be very depressed after this tragedy." Two boys were conversing about the tragedy which boiled my blood. Why do they have discuss about my life and also make me remember the good days with my parents. I turned towards them and gave them a cold shoulder. The entire day passed by and now I was waiting in front of my locker touching the freshly made wounds on my wrist. But suddenly a joyful calling made me hide them quickly. "Here we meet again, bestie." Carla said while panting that she was facing after running through the corridor. "I am here too." I pecked Rebe's lips as she joined us. "Ugh, you love birds can't you please stay away from sucking each other's faces? Leave it, now listen to me, first we will take the bus to the gallery which I will pay for and then you both decide who will pay for the passes to the gallery and then the lunch in the Italian restaurant." Carla said with her overdramatic tone. "We will see it once we reach there" I said as we walked towards the bus stop.

Time skip

I was walking down the pavement to the front gate of my house. Once I reached there I heard a loud thud followed by a sound of glass shattering down after hitting the wall, but I remained unbothered. I entered into the house using the spare key I had. I went to my room quietly and closed the door. I plucked in my air pods, played some music from my phone to obstruct the surrounding noise and dropped myself on the bed with my favourite book. I drifted off to sleep  only to wake up to a loud banging on the door after few minutes. I opened my air pods and threw them on the bed.


Then I opened the door to be tackled down on the wooden floor followed by some punches and then few kicks in my abdomen which made me cough out blood. But my uncle was refrained from hitting me by my aunt. "Do you think she will stay with us, if you hit without giving her some gap between the days? Huh?!" My aunt said in her drunk raspy voice. She harshly grabbed my cheeks and said, "Why do you think we have taken you in? We love you? Huh, who will love you? We took you in for the money that was coming with you. We need the money to buy our beers. And as long as we are keeping you, we will get the money that was kept for you by your parents." She slapped me very hard making my gums bleed and then they left my bloody body on the floor. I curled up into a ball and sobbed my pain out.

After sometimes I got up on my feet with a third try. I dragged myself towards the bathroom. I stood on the cold tile and stripped off my clothes. The cold breeze from the window hit my thin body making me shiver. I turned towards the mirror and chuckled bitterly while running my hands over the bruises that covered most of my body parts while turning the faucet on. Then filled the cold water in my palm and splashed it on my face. My bloodied lips turned the water from transparent to crimson. I closed the faucet and walked towards the shower cubical. The shower was turned on. The cold water ran through body making the fresh bruises burn. After a good 15 minutes I turned the shower off and slowly patted my body with the towel. Then I took out the blade that I had hid in crack beside the mirror cabinet. I wrapped the towel around my body and then carried the blade to the room. I sat near the foot of my bed, took my usual piece of cloth and gagged myself with it. Then I placed the cold metal on the wrist and penetrated the sharp side of the blade on it. The blood started oozing out and I cried in pain and agony but that piece of cloth didn't allow my voice to come out. I continued doing it until I was satisfied. After finishing I went to the bathroom again to wash the blood off from the blade as well was from my wrist. After cleaning everything I wore my tank top and a shorts. Then I made myself comfortable under the blanket on the bed and drifted off to sleep.


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