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"Babe I'm ready." I said settling my white buttoned up shirt. I was standing in front of the mirror in my hospital ward with the support of crutches. Rebecca was preparing two cups of coffee. "Good. Now drink this up and then we can head to the car." She said as I nodded. "Sam are you ready?" Adeline came in with a case file. "Yeah I am. After drinking the coffee we will head to the car." I said going to the side table on which the coffee mug was kept. "Well we both are leaving. Aron and the other three will be coming from their places. Come fast." She shouted closing the door.

Rebe came up to me to snake her hands around my waist. "I am going to get my freedom back, mi reina." I said  "You are definitely going win it and have your freedom and rights back. I always have my blessings on you my child. You will always be successful in life." Rebe said freeing me from her grip and raised her hands to bless me. I laughed at her drama. "Thank you, ma'am." I said playing along. "We should go now, it's getting late." I said placing the empty coffee cup on the table and preparing to leave the room.

The car ride to the court was silent. We parked the car in our allotted parking space and before going out Rebe took my hand and turned towards me. "Babe listen to me. I love you and will always do till my last breath. Keep calm and answer all their questions. I will always be there to support you." She said and caressed my cheek. I leaned in to peck her lips and then stepped out of the car. We ascended the steps to the courthouse's waiting room. We went in and met the others. "So you will answer all the questions calmly and with confidence. They will try to manipulate and confuse you but stay firm about everything you say. You are the ideal witness of all the incidents and if you don't tell the truth, it will be a problem for us. Well now we can go through the list of our witnesses and the prosecution's witnesses. On our side we have Rebecca, Aron, Omar, Guzman, Carla, Regan and Devon and Josh. While on the prosecution' side we have your aunt and uncle. Well I also had called your family in Mexico, they will also join us through a conference call. Best of luck, and remember that we all love you." Adeline said kissing the top of my head. I nodded and went out of the room with Rebe.

We sat in our assigned seats in the court room and waited for the arrival of the judge. I side eyed the prosecutors' side and saw that my aunt and uncle had also brought some of the people from the church and some of their friends. I nudged Rebe and whispered, "Rebecca, how can the church people be on their side. They are the original sinners and the church is supporting them?" "I think they had manipulated the church to help them. They might've told them that we are supporters of the LGBTQ community and thus we become sinners. The church is overlooking their sin for our one." Rebe answered. I realized the truth and again saw them. After few moments the bailiff entered and stood before us, "All rise."

We stood up as the judge took his seat. "Your honour, today we have the case number two-thirty-four, the case of Samantha Raphael Willis against Edward Willis and Joann Willis, et al. He nodded, "You all may be seated." We all sat down. "Alright prosecution, you may begin." The judge again said. Adeline stood up and adjusted her robe. "Your honour, I would like to present my client, Samantha Willis." I stood with the help of my crutches and sat beside the judge in my designated place. "So Ms Willis, how are you related to Mr and Mrs Willis? And what was your relationship with them prior the incidents that took place?" Adeline asked. "Edward and Joan is my paternal uncle and aunt. After my parents' death they had taken me in. When my parents were alive, they were very nice and friendly with me. They would come to our house for some of the occasions. But few months before my parents' death, they didn't pay us any visit." I said and drank water from the glass. My knuckles were turning white as I was holding the handles if the chairs very hard. "From when did, the hitting and altercations started?" "Well when the court case of getting the custody was going on, they started living in my house. They were very caring and loving towards me. But after the court case got closed and they started receiving the money I was given by my parents, they showed their true colours. They would waste their money on buying drugs and beers and after getting high on the items, they would hit me. Then after few days they started gambling with my money and when they would lose, they would hit me." "What do you think was the reason for all of these?" "Well it can be because I am a bisexual or just because they had to take me in after Padre and Ma's death." I gulped down the lump that formed. "Good. Now can you narrate the incident that happened when you were in the safe house?" "Well I don't remember every details of what had happened, but I could only remember the things that happened before they hit my head. Well when I first entered the house, I got a call from my aunt and uncle. They yelled at me over the phone. After hanging up I went to my room. Suddenly there was a banging on the door. I thought it was Rebe or Regan and Adeline who came looking for me. But as I opened the door I was slapped right across my face and then I was pushed inside. Then I was attacked and strangled. After few punches and kicks in my ribs and face, they kicked my forehead and then I can't remember anything." I said sighing. "Fine, well we have your medical reports and it will help to understand the later part of the story. Thank you Samantha. That is all in my first set, your honour." Adeline said and took her seat.

The judge nodded and turned towards the other lawyer. "You may start your cross-examination."

"Well you are the only niece of Edward Willis, correct?"


"But you're not the only cousin or niece of the Lopez family right?"


"But on the day of gaining the custody you chose Edward and Joan as your guardian, why didn't you choose your Mexican family?" "Because I wanted to stay here with my friends. But if I had chosen to go to Mexico, I would have to change my school."

I drank the entire glass of water and sat straight on the chair.

"Well now my next question is that the allegations that you are bringing up has no proof. Then how can we clearly tell that they hit you? All the allegations can be false too." He said facing the judge.

"Objection, my lord. We have proof for everything I placed in front of you. Mr Miller can't accuse my victim for not having proof, when we do have it present."

"I agree with Mrs Morrison Wheeler. The jury will disregard that. I suggest you to ask another question, Mr Miller."

"Okay, withdrawn. My next question is, what is your relationship with Rebecca Morrison-Wheeler?" He asked eyeing Rebe ones. "Rebecca is my girlfriend and one of my best friend." "Oh! So you are a lesbian?" "No a bisexual." I said clenching my jaw. "And you said that they used to hit you because you are a bisexual." I nodded. "Then you are trying to say that they are homophobic?" "I said might be. I'm not sure about the reason." I said as my hand formed a fist. He was trying to trap me in his questions. I kept calm and continued answering. "Well are you sure that it was your aunt and uncle who went to the safe house to attack you?"

"Objection, my lord. My client should not answer irrational questions. Mr Miller is trying to provoke m----"

"Objection overruled." The judge said.

"Thank you, my lord. Ok so back to my question, are you really sure about your attackers? As you can also hallucinate their presence, right?"

"I may have anxiety attacks but I do not hallucinate. They were my attackers. My body is the prove for everything." I said eyeing my aunt and uncle. "You are in a romantic relation with Miss Rebecca Morrison-Wheeler." I nodded. "This relationship was against the will of your aunt and uncle, right?" "Yes, they were homophobic about this relationship."

"Then you both could also frame the story to get them out of your life, so that you can live happily." He said with a smirk. I was losing my temper. I met eye to eye with Rebe. She mouthed, "I'm there don't worry nothing will happen." I nodded and drank the water as it was refilled. "Why will I do it? They were family and I loved them. Also I am a living prove for all their tortures and attacks. The bruises on my body are all from the incident." I said firmly. "Fine then. My lord, I've completed with the first set of questions. Thank you."

"You may now go and sit in your place Samantha." The judge said, as I got up and took my seat beside Rebecca.

A/N Note: Guys I am not so good in writing a court scene. I have taken reference from several books and movies. The questions are all framed by me and I know some do not even make sense, but I still tried. So whoever will read it I will be grateful to them. This is going to be the second last chapter, the people who have made this far with me, I am really very to the power of infinity grateful to them. (I know I'm repeating again becoz I truly am grateful.)

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