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The next morning it was all the same again. I woke up, did my usual routine and boarded the bus to the school. My aunt and uncle had again gone to some place without informing me about the address. I entered into my school hall and was engulfed in a hug. "Babe, leave me it hurts." I said trying to free myself from Rebe's tight hug. "Oh sorry, Sam. I forgot about your bruises." She said leaving me and letting me go to my locker. "I just missed you. I ----" she was going to say but was interrupted by my Favourite Friend. "Yeah I know you both miss each other very much. But don't you dare to suck each other's face off in school." Carla said rolling her eyes. "Why do you always taunt us, Carla? I was talking to her about her mental health. Why do you always have get on my nerves? Huh?!" Rebe asked with fury. I placed my hands on her shoulders as a way of calming her down. "Rebe, no es la primera vez que se burla de ti. Cariño, mantén la calma." (Rebe, this isn't the first time she has made fun of you. Honey, stay calm). "What are you both conversing about? I should've learned Spanish in the middle school. But during that time I was the dumbest person alive on this earth. It was a grave mistake that I did. If I did the Spanish lesson, then your conversation would be clear to me and I would be able to snap back." Carla said while shaking her head. "It was nothing. I was asking her to calm down." I said chuckling. "But now ladies, you have to excuse me, I should head to my first class," I said bidding them a good bye.

Time skip

"Why did you call her tonight? I wanted to have some alone time together." Rebe said with a pout as I straddled her lap and slung my arms around her shoulders. "She will leave after having a little chit chat or watching a movie. Neither Mrs D nor Aron is at home so she was feeling lonely. It will be a short period of time. Then we can do whatever you want to." I said with peck on her pout. "Fine, we will cuddle after she leaves." Rebe said. "Offer accepted ma'am." I said with a giggle making her excited like a toddler. "Here I am love birds. I brought some fruits and chocolates for you. I have kept them on the kitchen counter." Carla came in. "What do you want to do?" I asked as I settled the bed for the three of us. Rebe was sitting on the couch rolling and sticking her tongue out at Carla while Carla copied them. "Ugh, you both stop mimicking each other and tell me what would you like to do?" I asked in an annoyed tone. "We can watch Shadowhunters if you wish too." Carla said and I switched on the TV obliging her request. We made ourselves comfortable under the blankets and started watching the show.

"I told ya, it was a good series," Carla said yawning. "We know, that is why we sat with you to watch it." Rebecca said in an uninterested way. Carla mimicked Rebe to annoy her again. "Can you both please stop getting into a fight about every statement anyone of you say?" I asked getting annoyed at their everyday quarrel. "Sorry," they both said in unison. "Ok now I should take my leave. I think Aron has returned back from his boyfriend's house party by now." Carla said as we walked towards the door and I opened it for her. "Good night lovebirds". "Good night Carla." We bid each other goodbye and she left.

As soon as I closed the door I was pinned on the wall by Rebe. "Now I can have you all to myself babe," she said before attaching her lips on mine. She placed her hands under my thighs and picked me up. I gasped before saying "Yeah I am all yours, baby." with excitement. I had my legs snaked around her waist as we continued kissing while walking towards my bedroom. She pushed the door with her feet and placed me down on the soft mattress after discarding my tank top in the dirty laundry hamper. She kissed down my jawline to my collar bones leaving hickeys all over. She placed kisses on bruises that decorated my body making me giggle for the ticklish feeling that it was producing. She slid down my shorts leaving me partially naked, before stripping down her own clothes. I got up from the position I was placed in and adjusted my head on the soft pillow. After switching off the light she laid down beside me and wrapped her hands tightly around my waist, pressing her partially bare body on my back. I whispered a Good night to her which she responded by placing an open mouth kiss on my shoulder blade. Our legs and hand remained intertwined as we drifted off to our dream land.

Rebecca's POV

It was around midnight I suddenly woke up after feeling moisture all over my belly and chest. I opened my eyes to see that Sam was sweating and murmuring something in Spanish. I gently placed her head on the pillow and tried to understand what she was trying to say. She was having the same nightmare that she used to have after the tragedy. It had stopped few days back but all the hitting and torture made her have the nightmare again. "Mom, Dad! What have I done?! Somebody please call an ambulance!" She shouted and again started murmuring in Spanish. "You may not love me, but Rebe and Carla does. They love me just like Mom and Dad. Fuck you, both!" She shouted again but suddenly started squirming on the bed. "Leave me! Ah! It's hurting!" I tried waking her up but it was not working. I quickly ran to the kitchen to grab a water bottle. When I came up she was a crying mess. "Rebe! Carla! Don't leave me like everyone did. Please! It is hurting!" She was rubbing her chest. I quickly opened the bottle cap and sprinkled some water on her face. She calmed down as I repeated this process for sometime.

After sometime she slowly opened her blood shot and puffy eyes. "Rebe will you leave like everyone did?" It was the first thing that she said very weakly after opening her eyes. She tried sitting up to hear my answer. I helped her to place her head on the head board and support her back with a pillow. "Tell me. Will you leave me?" she asked again. I quickly engulfed her into a hug as she buried her face in my neck. "Love, calm down. I will never leave you. Even if the world decides to tears us apart we will again find each other back. I will never leave your side." I said as she chuckled a little at my dramatic answer. It made me calm. I scooped her up from the bed and placed her on my lap. I rocked my body and as a result she also copied my actions. She still had her face buried in my neck. I unclasped her bra hook to help her breathe better. I continued rocking and drawing circles on her back until she fell asleep again. I placed her on the pillow and brushed off the stray hairs from her forehead. It was already four in the morning. I slowly got up from her side of the bed and made myself comfortable on the other side. She unconsciously wrapped her hands around my waist and placed her head on my chest. I ran my fingers through her black bobbed hair and stared outside the window as the sun gave out its first light.

End of Rebecca's POV

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