Chapter 2: Edmund Hitchings and his use of ~Dramatic Flair~

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"Ahh yes, Monday mornings, the best time of day

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"Ahh yes, Monday mornings, the best time of day. Where the sun shines and the birds chirp happily! Where- ARGH!"

"Ten points to Greg," Theo muttered, massaging his temples.

Draco glared at Blaise, who was rubbing his head, from where Greg had thrown his own wand at him. At least it shut the boy up. "I am wounded Gregory! I thought we were something here, I thought that our brotherly love-" okay so apparently nothing could shut up Blaise Zabini's tongue. Who the hell was he to wake up all high and mighty? Morning people, Draco thought. Absolute lunatics.

"I will pay for you to shut up, Zabini," Alexander Dyakova, their fifth (or fourth now) roommate, muttered. Alex levitated Greg's wand over to him and got out of bed quickly. He gave Draco a quick nod and patted him on the shoulder, before sidestepping and taking the bathroom much to everyone's groans.

Blaise was ready in his finest robes, and face perfected with all the creams and serums his mother could afford. Seriously, it was like he got up at the crack of dawn just to mutilate the rest of his roommates with fake positive drawls and a smug air of 'ha I'm better than you.' The absolute bastard.

Draco, already showered and clean, jumped back into his bed, crossing his legs and sitting up straight. He flicked his hand, silently summoning his wand into his hands before casting a quick wingardium leviosa to his school robes and watched them float in front of him. "Come, come now. Draco- can't forget to moisturise," Blaise said. Draco simply scowled but let Blaise jump into his bed and start to dab spots of cream on his face.

Blaise was a fucking freak when it came to moisturising everyone in the dorms. He had all of the most expensive potions and creams for his face and then for literally everyone else's skin types. He got incredibly passive aggressive when people refused his hand cream and had a whole thing about self-grooming. Draco blamed Mrs Zabini, then he couldn't because he actually loved her.

Draco rolled his eyes as Blaise started to pinch at his cheeks and 'massage' the moisturiser he was using into his skin. "Need to make sure we see your skin red y'know? Can't make people think you don't have blood running through you," he joked. Draco sighed, looking over at Theo who was massaging at his face, regretfully giving a strained smile to Blaise, before taking some of his serum to fix his 'combination' skin.

"Good work Theo, I see you've really improved."

Greg chuckled under his breath and Theo scowled at Blaise. "You're lucky you're not in my bed-"

"Excuse me?" Draco said.

"Wait no-"

"Ooh, want me over there?" Blaise grinned, scuffling out of Draco's sheets. Draco breathed a sigh of relief as he started to put on his school robes.




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