Chapter 6: We tend to forget that 'Ambition' is a Slytherin trait

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Draco was sitting in his Herbology class with Greg on one side of him and his Pibicon banana plant on the other

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Draco was sitting in his Herbology class with Greg on one side of him and his Pibicon banana plant on the other. As it turned out, Professor Sprout was probably the chillest teacher Draco knew and didn't mind that Greg joined her lessons just to sit and do his homework. Greg always had his free periods whenever Draco had his herbology so they spent their hours in the greenhouse together.

Longbottom was also incredibly nice to Greg, once he stopped looking at the Slytherin like some sort of bully. Gregory liked Neville a lot more than Draco, because one, Neville was patient enough to help him through charms and two, Draco was a busy man.

He had started spending his weekend lunchtimes with Professor Slughorn, doing 'extra potions' work. Which was him making the dreamless sleep, calming draught and pepper-up potions. They worked together with McGonagall to bring in three private mind-healers during the weekends for any Slytherin's that wanted some extra help. Draco and Slughorn had definitely seen an improvement to the children that were dependent on the potions to get through their week.

After getting back his Mock results (he did pass Potions, but barely) and sharing the results with his mother, Draco had finally felt like he had lost some of the pressure from his back and still gained an extra tonne. He left Malfoy Manor on the last day of the Christmas holidays to find someone who he knew would give reasonably good information out.

The conversation was still stuck in his head:

"There's not a lot that you'll know. This is bigger than you boy- I wouldn't trust that Head Auror of yours."

"What did you say-"

"'M just sayin' it's not only the Death Eater's that got up to some shady business, eh?"

"No... I suppose not."

Really there was not a lot to go off of, but Draco felt his gut telling him to investigate. So when Professor Sprout called the end of her class and everyone started to pack up, Draco held back Greg. "What now?" Greg muttered, looking around at everyone.

"I think I know something about the aurors," he whispered. They both looked at their own parole aurors and ducked their heads as they walked back to the school. Draco and Greg met up with the rest of the group, who stood outside of the Great Hall.

"What's gotten you two so ruffled up?" Millie asked, pulling at Greg's robes to make them sit right and straight.

"Draco," Greg simply said.

Draco rolled his eyes, "I need to tell you all something important. It can't wait-"

Pansy cut him off quickly, "Well it's going to have to. I don't have Charms-"

"Just sit in with us," Greg said.

Pansy bit her lips, "I do have a free period..."

"Brilliant," Theo linked arms with her and pulled them all in the direction of the Charms classroom. "I'm pretty sure that Flitwick won't even notice if he sees an extra Slytherin." They all continued on their journey to the Charm classroom whilst their aurors followed them.

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