"Hi, im (Y/n)"

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"ughh...Five more minutes please.." i say while trying to cover my eyes from the sun, the next thing i knew Mr. Grimes is pulling me out the car yelling "Mr. Grimes calm down please the dead are gonna come!" Rick stops yelling and begins whisper yelling.

Ricks Pov:

"(Y/n) what are you doing here!?! you meant to be with Morgan there probably worried!!" i say grabbing the guns and (Y/n) bag out. (Y/n) let out a annoyed sigh before trying to justified what he did. 


" ok first off i knew Mr. Jones wouldn't let me leave on my own so i figured id hide in the trunk to get a ride, Second i left a note in dunce bag when he wasn't looking" i go up and grab my bag from Mr. Grimes and began walking off to a random direction. as im walking away i heard Mr. Grimes yelling at me asking where im going. "I DONT KNOW ILL SEE WHERE EVER THE WIND TAKES ME!" i yell at Mr. Grimes Before  i could start walking i see Mr. Grimes run up to me " no your not, it's to far to take you back so you'll have to come with me" I look up at Mr. Grimes debating if I should protest against it or just go along with him.

Ricks pov

'The hell am I gonna do with a kid I mean I know how to take care of one but now, how the world is I don't even know if my own son is alive how can i-' I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by (Y/n).

(Y/n) pov

I tap Mr. Grimes on the arm knocking him out of his train of thought before pointing to a barn, "maybe there's people and food" Mr. Grimes looked at the barn and began walking to it

   "Hold on tight" Mr. Grimes says as he hits the hoarse making it run. After A few hours we make it to the city tbh I've never been so it kinda sucks that this is the first time im seeing it like this but hey at least i can take it off my brothers bucket list he always wanted to come. 

As we ride in the city something feels off before i can tell Mr. Grimes we are surrounded by walkers i watch in horror as i see them eat the hoarse, "Come on (Y/n!" Mr. Grimes yells as he drags me under a near by tank with him while also loosing the guns. "There!" i point to a trap door like thing under the tank, me and Mr. Grimes climb in to the tank to rest.

Ricks pov

i sit across from (Y/n) trying to catch my breath as i see (Y/n) wipes his forehead i see blood smear across, he seems to notice as well.

(Y/n)'s pov

i feel the blood smear on to me i quickly take my jacket off, only thing in my mind is 'god please dont let me be bit' over and over as i roll up my sleeve i let out a sigh of relive "its just a cut" i say, i grab my bag that i some managed to not loose and rip a peace of one of my shirts off and use it to cover my wound.

Ricks pov

i look around the tank i see a wakie takie and a grandee so i grab both then the wakie takie goes off "h-hello c..-can you he...hear me?" the man says "yes,yes i can hear you!" i relpie "good n-..ow ill distr-act them s....-so yall can get out op-pen the top and youll s-see m...." i open the top door"its open i dont-" as i say that i see a man on the roof of a building "ok i see you, what now?" i say "when i help dra-..w them a-.away i need y-ou and the ki..d to run over to the a-..lly there is a latter cli..mb it as fast as you c-an" "ok i understand" after that i get out and stand on the tank helping (Y/n) get on top.

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