Aleczander Davis

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"The blood didnt hurt at alllllll" Y/n said geting his clothes to take a shower "if it didnt hurt why did you make me hold your hand?" I said glaring at him. He scoffed " well i uh. You know what grimes forget it!" He said stomping off to witch i quickly followed after. "Why are yoi following meeeeee" he said in a annoyed tone "gotta make sure you dont get lost plus im taking a shower after you so dont use all the hot water." He turned around a smirked "nahh ima use it all now" before i even understood what he said he was already runnibg to the shower. "HEY WAIT Y/N!"

Daryls Pov

I was walking through the halls trying to get farmilrized with the place when all of a sudden im hit with something and that something was y/n."shit sorry darly do you know where the showers are?" "Not sure kid why dont you go ask the doc or something i got things to do!" I swang my arms in the air. "Oh okay thanks!" And like that he was gone

Y/n pov

Damn i hope carl doesnt know i gotta hurry!. hes up there "HEY DOC DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE SHOWE-" i get cut off " Y/n L/n, age 9, you go to saint johns christain school even though you dont belevie in it. Your mother died when you where born and your fathers status is unknow. And you have a older brother name Aleczander Davis who was a nurse that worked at the CDC" Jenner said looking at a clip bored "wha- how-" i say very much confused how does he know all this? How does he know what happen to mom and how does my brother?!

Carls pov

"HEY DARLY DO YOU KNOW WHERE HE WENT?" Daryl sigh "he went go talk to the doc or something" and then he walked off. I run to the mane room to where i hear crying "w-who are you?" it was y/n i watch from behind the the wall.

A/N im changing y/n's reaction because i made it way to dramatic for a tween to react to this and i felt like it was a lil ofc 

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