"God fuckin damn it lori"

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"bet you cant catch me!" carl says running from me , "bet i can!" i say chasing after him, its been a while since i had this much fun but it all came to a end when me and carl ran into the woods, "wait carl-" I whisper grabing him by his shoulder before he could go any more, "isn't that your mom and Shane?", "yeah it is!, let's get closer to see what they are talking about!" Carl whispers, as we walk closer we begin to hear what they are saying, "Shane I c-can't keep doing this..i-i mean-" Lori why are you saying this shit now!, I mean me you and carl where happy we where going to be a family...please Lori.." Shans this was before I knew my husband was still alive, this never should of happen for gods sake! Imagine if Rick found out..." "GOD FUCKIN DAMN IT LORI." Shane yells before walking off, leaving Lori crying. "Carl I think we should go..." I say as me and carl run off.

<A/N>; HELLO MY READERS, sorry this took a while, I wasn't doing to good mentally so I took a small writing break to focus on some stuff sorry ist short my head hurts and I have school in the morning but I wanted to give yall something! Hope you enjoyed it, if you didn't,  let me know why

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