The Man From The Camera pt1

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"pssttt sofia, carl look what i found" i whisper pulling out a chocholate bar, "woah no way" carl says  a bit to loud. "What are yall on about?" rick ask slightly annoyed because it interupted him a loris convo. "oh um i was just uh telling carl about this dog i had when i was like 7 he was huge mr.grimes like carols size!" that made sofia giggle, rick shook his head and went back to talking to lori. i open the chocolate quitely and split it into three and gave carl and sophia a peace. they quickly ate there and i ate mine just as fast it was so good. sophia gave me a hug since she was right next to me. "aww how cute are you two" lori said looking at me and sohpia before taking a picture with her camera "cute little couple!" She giggled. I couldn't tell if she was joking but either way carl quickly pulled me away from Sofia. He had this look on his face I couldn't tell if he was mad or what but that whole car ride he didn't take his arm off from around me for the rest the ride. I didn't really mind since I was planing on sleeping the whole time. Rick said it would be a while till we got to the CDC.

"WHA-" I quickly grab onto the closes thing to me witch was carl because rick slammed on the breaks  waking me out my sleep. I look around sophia hit her head on loris seat causing her nose to bleed and Carl's grip around me tighten "what the actual fuck rick?!" Lori said. I don't blame her for yelling I wanted to aswell I'm guessing Lori was sleeping as well. "Sorry but guys were here!" Rick runs out the car. And so everyone else does. There was walkers everywhere I'm guessing that's why carl grabbed my hand so I used my free hand and grabbed sofias so she doesn't get lost. Damn my head hurts there's so much going on. Rick's yelling about how he swears he saw the camera turn on and Shane's yelling about how he was right and she should have gone to where ever else he wanted to go and how no ones here right as we where about to run back to the car the man from the camera spoke.

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