Piano Shuu x Reader

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I do not own Diabolik Lovers or the characters. They belong to the Rejet company. This is purely fanmade.


I was running through the hallways of the school I was currently attending, Ryoutei Academy, trying to escape the wrath of a bunch of crazy Laito fan girls. These girls could only be described in two words: deranged psychopaths. I made one negative comment about their beloved playboy, Laito, and I'mthe bad guy!
I ran into the music room, trying to catch my breath. After pausing to make sure they passed me I took a deep breath of relief and looked around. Seeing no one in the room calmed me further, and my eyes lit up once I spotted a piano. I walked toward it happily. Playing the instrument’s soft melodies has been my stress reliever for as long as I can remember. 
I sat on the bench and pulled the cover up, letting my fingers ghost over the keys, readying myself. I began playing My Immortal by Evanescence. I became so immersed in the melody, and the feeling of the keys beneath my fingers, I didn't realize that someone came into the room and was listening.
Once I finished I let out a deep breath, a small smile on my face. I snapped back to reality as someone clapped lightly. Only then did I feel someone's presence behind me. "That was amazing," He breathed. "How long have you been playing?"
"U-um...about, uh, ten years..." I stammered, looking behind me to see the eldest Sakamaki child, and Laito's brother, Shuu Sakamaki. He was known for his laziness and lack of enthusiasm for just about anything, and I began to wonder why he was talking to me of all people.
"Ten years huh? That's quite impressive," He said as he sat down next to me. "Are you the one who called Laito a man whore and a man slut?" He asked, lazily looking at me. I felt a twinge of fear at that comment, it is his brother after all, but I don’t want to lie.
"Y-yeah..." I answered timidly, my voice wavering slightly. I didn't know where this was going and I didn't like not knowing.
He smiled at me. "I like you." He said simply.
I stared at him, shell-shocked. He liked me...because I called his brother a man whore and a slut? I didn't get it, and I guess this was written on my face because he let out a small laugh. I felt my face heat up and I looked away. This guy was nuts! 
"You know, you're kinda cute when you're embarrassed." He said, his small smile never leaving his face.
"Th-That's not t-true." I stammered, mentally screaming at myself.
He pulled the cover of the piano down and put his elbow on it, resting his head on his hand as he looked at me. He just sat there, watching me. I looked at my hands for a few minutes before looking back up. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, but I found him asleep.
I smiled and stood up, and draped the jacket he had put on the floor over his shoulders. He was cute in his own way, and really, I'd say he was better than his brothers, but that's just my opinion. I quickly left, hoping I would see him again.

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