Closing Distance

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It has been a couple of weeks since Shu and I had talked and now he wouldn't leave me alone. Save for classes, he was always by my side; when I was eating, when we were sleeping. He almost came in when I was showering, but thankfully he would still listen to me to some extent. Yeah, it was a bit awkward for him to basically be stalking me, but what could you do? I guessed when I avoided him hurt him more than I had realized.
After awhile, the other brothers noticed the odd closeness too. At first, according to Subaru, they had thought it would only last a week at best, but they were proven wrong. He was awake more often and always on alert. It was turning out of awkwardness and wavering on creepy.
But, the upside was the quality of our conversations went up. It felt like an invisible wall had collapsed, allowing us to talk about just about anything and everything. We cleared the whole family talks first just so there weren't any repeat incidents of the first attempt of family talk. We talked about past friends, relationships, favorite things, besides sleeping, and even hopes, dreams, and fears. It was wonderful.
Today, it seemed there was no exception. We were sitting on the music room floor, my head on his shoulder as we waited for the warning bell signaling class. He was chuckling at something I said about robots and aliens taking over and dogs becoming the dominant species. Hey, it could happen!
"So, what will happen to you humans after this invasion?" He asked after getting ahold of himself. He moved a hand to wipe away a tear. He was laughing hard enough to cry! He didn't believe me!
I pouted as I sat up, crossing my arms. "No. If you don't believe me, then I won't say another word."
"No, no...I believe you. Everyone has their own theories about the future." He said, trying to stop his still obvious laughter. He was trying to lie to me! The jerk! "Come on...tell me?" He asked again, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and laying his head on my shoulder, looking up at me with the cutest look I'm pretty sure he could muster with what little sleep he had been getting.
" about nap first, then talk." I suggested, glancing over at him and brushing a light blonde strand out of his face. "You shouldn't force yourself to stay awake just to talk with me."
"I'm not-" he stopped, trying to force back a yawn and only half succeeding. "Tired." He finished, though I'm pretty sure he knew I wasn't convinced. "...fine..." he begrudgingly surrendered, making me smile.
I stood up, detaching his arms from my person. "I'm going to class. I'll talk to you later." I ruffled his hair with a light blush before walking out of the room. I was a blushing mess the moment I was away from Shu. I had learned to control my girly, lovestruck side when I was around him, but only when I knew he was around. Any other time, and it was completely obvious. But he couldn't know, so I took what I could get.
As I made my way down the hall, I felt as if someone was watching me. I stopped and looked around, though I wonder what I was expecting. I was in a vampire-majority school, and vampires could pop out of anywhere at any time. I have yet to meet one which of whom didn't enjoy terrorizing the helpless human minority.
"Okay, who's there?" I favored asking instead, knowing staring at nothing would accomplish absolutely nothing. I waited for what felt like hours when the bell rang. Whomever it was obviously wasn't coming out of their hiding spot, so that meant they were just being creepy. Perfect! I ran the rest of the way to class, refusing to be late.


It was getting late when the knock came at my door. I had already known who it was before I opened it so I didn't bother to look. I just went back to my desk so I could finish the last question of the math homework due tomorrow...oh if only it didn't exist. I mean, when would I ever use this?
"Give me a minute and I'll join you. I need to finish this last problem." I said, feeling the gaze burrowing holes into the middle of my back.
"I could always tell you the answer." Shu said, his voice strained from exhaustion. He mustn't have taken a very long nap for him to sound that bad. "Mrs. (Random Name) always gives out the same homework sheets."
"No, I am not cheating," as tempting as that sounds. I added silently, letting out a sigh. I wanted nothing more than to cuddle with Shu, even though I'm pretty sure he just used me as a pillow. He admitted to it and everything, which was sad.
I could hear him grumble in protest, but he didn't move. I could only giggle at his laziness as I turned my focus back on the paper. "Solve for X." I mumbled, biting the eraser of my pencil. "3X+(10X-4)=40X÷4..." I just stared at the paper before groaning and grabbing my calculator and the paper I was doing my work on. I spent a good ten fifteen minutes before I got the answer. I wrote down X=-6.4. It was more than likely wrong, but I really didn't care at this point. I'm sure I got the rest of them right, so one wrong answer wouldn't hurt me.
I stretched, yawning, before I got up and walked over to the bed. There Shu was waiting, his eyes almost closed as he was trying to wait. "Took you long enough." He muttered, raising an arm that I slid under. "Now sleep."
"Mmhm." I sleepily agreed, hugging him back. He was cold, but he was comfortable. It was moments like this that I wish could last forever. But, that wasn't possible. He would forever be out of my reach. I'm sure later down the road that was our future, he would leave me for a vampire woman who could keep his, and his offspring's, bloodline pure. That was to be expected as the first born son.
I gave out a sigh, moving closer and completely eradicating any space that was left between us. Why must I have these thoughts now? Why couldn't I just be happy that I was this close to the one I loved? Oh, that's right, because no one I cared about ever stuck around. My parents left on 'business' three years ago, and that was that. Sure they called and came back from time to time, but I've never seen them. But would I ever confess this? Not happening.
My mind kept going around in circles until I felt a freezing pressure against my cheek. I looked up to see Shu, looking concerned. "What's wrong?" He asked, holding my cheek with his hand, never once looking away from me. "You gave out such a broken sigh."
I shook my head, placing my hand atop of his. "It's nothing Shu, don't worry. Just...worrying about my parents. They should have come back by now." I said, letting out another sigh, though it was a bit more forced. It was a little heartfelt though. It seemed like they had completely disowned me once I had somewhere to stay.
"Didn't you say they would back in the fall? Next year fall?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. His cute charm was showing and I hated it. "What's going on?"
"Nothing Shu. Drop it." I barked, my eyes turning into slants as I glared at him. His expression didn't change and that just ticked me off. So I turned around, staring at the desk and, just above, the (color) wall. I hated being questioned, something he had already learned last week when I gave him a surprising bloody nose. Just because he was a blood sucker doesn't mean he didn't bleed.
"(F/N), talk." He commanded, his voice lacking all the sleep it had just moments before. His arms were wrapped around my waist to make sure I didn't run away. Curse him and his undead strength. "Is there something you haven't told me about your parents?" He asked and I tensed.
"Just...I don't know where they are is all." I said with yet another sigh.
"They abandoned you?" He asked, his tone sad. "But we talked to them..."
"Yeah...but after that they haven't said a thing since." I said with scorn in my voice. I was dreading this conversation. "Two of the three people I care about are gone, and now...I might lose the third..." I added, though under my breath. I was too emotional right now...perfect.
"Third?" He asked confusion. "I'm the closest to you...aren't I?" He asked. We stayed silent for what seemed like forever, and yet a single second until he understood. I could tell cause his breath hitched, and he doesn't even need to breathe. "You...lo-" he started.
"Stop right there." I interrupted, feeling panicked. "Don't say any more. You say it out loud and it'll become real."
Shu stayed silent for so long I thought he had fallen asleep. I felt a mix of relief and rejection when I thought about it, but it was definitely for the best. If luck favored me for once, he would wake up and think it was just a nightmare. A bad dream that could never happen in this prison people call life and reality.
I stayed stuck in my thoughts, trying to avoid the subject of Shu until my need to look at him got the best of me. It may be the last time I get to see him up close. I shifted until I was watching his sleeping face. It was so calm and serene that I felt I could watch it forever. I let a small smile creep its way onto my lips as I watched him. He was so beautiful.
I went to move a strand of hair out of his face, and that's when it happened. As soon as my fingertips brushed his forehead, his own hand caught mine and what happened next I couldn't process as quickly as I would have liked. It felt like a surreal dream; the kind that you wake up from, swearing from hell to back that it actually happened.
I was on my back, my hands to either side of my head, being held in place by the male's own cold ones. His eyes were closed, but I could probably tell you exactly how long his eyelashes were, we were so close. I processed everything that made up his face before it finally dawned on me that there was a cold, almost freezing pressure on my lips. Shu, the vampire of my dreams, was kissing me! It took me even longer after acknowledging this fact before I actually kissed back.
Our lips moved in almost perfect synch, both our eyes now closed as we moved faster, more heated. I was breathless when Shu pulled away, and I was shocked to see a light blush highlighting his fair skin. We stared into each others eyes before either of us decided to speak.
We stared at each other again before we broke into small bursts of laughter. We couldn't help it, and it helped calm the raging emotions crashing against my brain. Though it did bring up the question as to why he kissed me.
"You love me," he started, seeming hurried to cut me off. It was like he didn't want to hear the question. I ended up blushing harder hearing him say it. It finally became a cold, hard fact in life. And it hurt knowing he would more than likely reject me too.
"Shu, stop-" I began, already feeling the tears threaten to fall as my heart began to break.
"And I love you too." He finished, stopping me short. His face was flushed, the color almost hideous on his pale skin. His blue eyes were swimming with different emotions, one being the emotion he claimed to feel for me. He wasn't lying, but there was also...fear. But, what could he fear?
When I heard him say it, the tears fell. But not for the sad purposes they were formed for, but for happiness and joy and relief. I hadn't thought he would respond to my feelings. I had thought he would want to stay friends until it was time to cast this human away. I pulled my hands out from under his and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him down into the tightest hug I could muster.
Shu sat me up, setting me in his lap and hugging my waist. We sat like that, our faces buried into each other's necks and staying silent. But, unlike the other silences, this felt comfortable. Almost natural. It felt...right.
After some time, my thoughts turned dark again. They went to him leaving me, though it didn't last as long this time. "You won't leave me? You'll stay with me forever?" I asked, tightening my hold.
"Yeah. Never leave you." He confirmed, making me smile.
I pulled away and looked into his eyes. "I love you Shu." I confessed, this time saying it myself. I saw him smile again before he leaned in, kissing me again. It felt like perfection, the two of us lost in this perfect moment.


Months had passed before we officially announced our relationship to the other brothers. None looked overjoyed, but most of them looked relieved despite their best efforts. They must have been worried that their eldest brother would be forever alone with his unhealthy sleeping patterns. Reiji seemed to be the only one unsupportive, but that was to be expected with his obvious hatred towards humans.
Shu had pretty much moved me into his room and we no longer seperated unless absolutely necessary (bathroom still seeming to be a topic of interest). We were happy, though we did still fight about the usual: sleeping hours, physical activity, blood. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

A/N: Hello everyone! I want to thank you all for reading this (awful) story! This is the ending, unfortunately, but everything must come to an end. It got a little OOC, which I apologize for, but I still hope you liked it. Thanks again for reading. :)

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