Awkwardness and Bonding

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After the odd fever dream, being around Shu became...difficult, to say the least. When he wasn't napping and he would actually talk to me, I couldn't look him in his beautiful blue eyes anymore. And whenever we were alone, I couldn't say anything right. Just yesterday, our usual nap time ended in...a standstill. Is that what you would call it? Or maybe...oh right! It ended in a scrape.
It had seemed as normal as it usually was, with him laying on the couch and me on top of him. I was surprisingly comfortable, despite his cold, lifeless skin and I assumed he liked my warmth? He didn't really say...anyways, we were just laying there, Shu sleeping and me going over the lessons we had went over at school. At least, that's what I was going with as an excuse.
As I zoned out and thought, I had a habit of staring at whatever was in front of me. In the case of our napping sessions, the object of my gaze was none other than Shu. It was a perfect chance to just stare at his flawless features...hey, don't judge. Like you wouldn't do the same if your crush was in front of you.
I was admiring his eyelashes, which were longer than I would have thought possible for a guy, when his eyes cracked open. I flushed before glancing down and to the side at the back of the couch. "You're up early." I muttered, hoping he didn't think anything of my staring. More than likely no, but I couldn't help but think about it.
"You're staring seemed...stronger than usual." He answered, looking at me with tired eyes. "Like your thoughts were on something other...than school lessons."
I internally screamed. I had forgotten how sharp he was despite his sleeping habits.
"Oh, really? I was...thinking of my parents! Usually they call or something when they're gone for long periods of time, but I haven't heard anything from them." I flinched, knowing I had hesitated. That was going to register on his radar.
"Hmm, alright." Was all he said as he just continued to stare at me, his blue eyes glazed over with sleep. "What do they do, exactly?"
I felt my heart race and I sat up, sitting on his lap while he continued to lay down. He was interested! "They're public speakers on social issues." I said, leaning back. "Bullying, suicide, social outlooks, etcetera. They travel most of the time speaking at events, schools, and the like."
"The daughter of people like that...was bullied?" He asked with a slight smile. I could not handle this! When it was a sleepy smile, it was normal, but when he genuinely smiled, it was rare and made him look even cuter!
"Yeah...that's why I haven't told them yet... Them being public social speakers doesn't make them the easiest to talk too about life in society."
Shu just stayed quiet and that made me feel slightly uncomfortable...until I remembered the Sakamaki brothers were hardly on friendly speaking terms with their father. I couldn't believe I brought up family relationships! I felt like an awful person..."I mean...they are just so intrusive when I let something accidentally, it's like they don't know I have a life of my own with how they are always asking questions...ugh...I mean..." I rambled for what felt like ages and I could only notice Shu's acute discomfort. Why couldn't I shut up?
I stood up and looked at anything but Shu. "I'm...going to my room..." was all he said before teleporting away. I could only sigh as I collapsed back onto the couch. I didn't have the least bit of tack...
I sighed as I thought back to it. I was hardly innocent, but he didn't need to run away either...why didn't he say anything? Laito, who had seemed to have picked up on my feelings for his elder brother, has constantly been harassing me throughout the days between the incident and now. Because of this, I've been staying locked in my room and finishing the homework I had neglected since I came down with a fever.
Of course, that didn't solve all my problems since I had to leave the room for human necessaries and school.
I awoke the Monday after the incident in a daze. I had finished the last of the work before the sun was up and that made my sleep a little less than appealing. I shook it off though and began preparing for the night ahead.
I had made sure to wake up a little earlier than usual so I could talk to the driver of the limo. I was hoping that I could go to school a little earlier than everyone else. And yes, before you ask, it was, mainly, to avoid Shu. I still felt awful about what I said and wasn't looking forward to the awkwardness that was sure to follow if we met. I left my room with my school bag and headed downstairs to the foyer, turning left toward the dining room and then to the kitchen. I made myself lunch and made Shu one as well, adding small blood capsules I had learned how to make to the dishes to make sure he got the blood he was now used to getting at the lunch break.
As soon as I finished, I headed back out and headed to where the limo is parked. I spotted the driver pretty quickly, wiping some invisible spot off his precious car. I smiled as I walked over. "Hello, sir?" I asked, slightly leaning down to be sure that I was at least in his peripheral vision.
He looked over at me, his expression stone-cold and emotionless. What was I expecting from someone who only drives rich high school boys around?
"Would it be alright if you take me to school early today? I'm on duty today." I asked, adding on a little white lie. I mean, it's not entirely wrong. I was on duty after classes were over...that counted, right?
The driver thought about it before nodding, standing up and walking over to where the keys lay. I gave a soft sigh and smile as I got into the limo. I didn't have to wait long before the car began moving and I leaned back, trying to avoid thoughts about Shu.
I ended up in a dazed state of mind until the limo came to a soft, rolling stop. I gathered my things and climbed out in a slight hurry. I gave a short wave goodbye before heading into the school building. There weren't many students here at this time, which meant I could more than likely turn in the work that I had gotten caught up on. Seeing as I had a lot of time, I headed for the facility room after dropping my bag off in the room.
I walked into the room, eyes on the lookout for Mr. (Random Name). Once I found him, I walked over, slightly waving to get his attention. "Good morning sir." I said with a small smile.
"Oh! (Y/N), good morning." He exclaimed with a look of shock, but the smile was evident. "What are you doing here so early? Don't you usually come with the brothers?"
"Oh, uh...yeah..." I started nervously, my hand rubbing the back of my neck. "I just thought I should come a little earlier and ask a few questions about the missed work you let me make up." I explained, already sorting through my bag for the work. "I also wondered if I should turn all my work into you like how I got it, or should I give it to the respective teachers?"
He gave a soft chuckle as he took the papers I had taken out. "I'll pass them along, don't worry." He put the papers onto his desk without turning away from me. "Did you have any problems? You were out yesterday."
"Yeah, I thought I could get it all done without rest...I was wrong." I admitted sheepishly, letting out a weak laugh. "But I'm feeling better now. Sorry for making you worry."
"As long as you are better now, that's all that matters." He said with another soft smile. "Now, I believe you said you had some questions?" He asked, patting an empty seat by his desk. I nodded and sat beside him, going right in on the questions.
After about half an hour, I had gotten most of my questions answered and was back in my seat. I was leaning back in my chair as the rest of the class slowly piled in. The girls glared at me as they walked in, but other than that, they didn't come near me. The boys were a bit friendlier, saying hello and smiling at me. Looked like they were over trying to impress the girls, thank the heavens.
Class was about to start when Shu walked in, his eyes scanning the room with such alertness that it made me shudder and I sunk into my seat. It didn't work though, cause the moment I moved, his eyes snapped in my direction. He walked over and yanked me out of my seat and even further out of the room. He dragged me along the hallway, keeping quiet and serious until he opened the door to the music room.
I was practically thrown into the empty classroom before Shu closed and locked the door behind us. I refused to turn around to face him, even when I could feel the intensity of his stare on my back. I ended up looking at my feet and hugging myself, keeping myself close and shielded from whatever he might do.
I heard him move around and I saw his shoes appear in my line of vision. He was close...closer than I would have liked. But when I tried to move back, he would only follow, his eyes seemingly never leaving me.
"...did you need something?" I finally mustered, my voice small but confident sounding. Not the best combination to have when talking to the crush you were avoiding, but it was the best I could do.  "Class is about to start..."
"Why are you avoiding me?" He asked, his tone sharper and more alert than I've ever heard it sound. That just made me worry more.
"I'm...not..." I muttered, my fingers finding my hair and twirling it around, giving away my nervousness and anxiety. "I had to talk of my teachers about the...assignments I made up."
"That's not what the driver said." Shu countered, his tone turning slightly angry. It made me flinch, and I could see that it made him lose a bit of edge. " it about the talk about our families?" He asked after a sigh.
I stayed silent for a long moment, just focusing on steadying both my racing heart and mind. I was really hoping I could avoid this talk, but I guess that was just my own wishful thinking. "Well...yeah. I mean...I could see I hurt you...but I couldn't stop..." I said softly, trying to keep the hurt and sadness from my voice. That was the last thing I needed.
I heard him sigh before taking me into his arms, his head resting atop of mine. I felt my heart skip a beat, my hands eager to move to hug him back but remaining crossed. I didn't deserve such affection from the usually uncaring brother. I could also feel tears start to well up in the corners of my eyes and had to fight to hold them back.
We stayed like that for who knows how long before Shu spoke up. "Yeah, it hurt just because I noticed how odd our relationship with our father is," he started, never moving nor shifting his hold on me. "But that doesn't mean you have to avoid me. You are the only one who will put up with me in that house without telling me to move around or stop being lazy." He shifted his head to rest in the crook of my neck. "Don't avoid me, alright?"
I lost it. My tears spilled over and I hugged him back. He just held me, not saying another word. This was a complete one eighty in his personality and it hit a little harder than it would have if he just approached me about this normally. I spent until the end of homeroom bell in his embrace, crying and just being completely emotional.
After my breakdown, Shu rubbed my back as I pulled away, wiping the tears away from my eyes. "I'm sorry Shu..." I mumbled, going right back to hugging him.
"It's alright (F/N). Just no more avoidance, okay?" He asked before kissing my neck. He didn't bite down, but I couldn't help but wonder if he wanted to. I wouldn't push it though and kept quiet. After another long moment, we seperated and headed back to class. I didn't know about him but I left feeling like a burden has been lifted from my chest. I got a little closer to Shu and I couldn't be happier, even if I was embarrassed about my somewhat childish actions.

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