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It took a week for Jas to finally feel better again. I stayed by her side, making sure she had everything she needed and only leaving once when she was physically pushing me out the window.

"You have to go spread winter. This isn't the first time I've had the flu, it won't be the last and you're treating me like a baby. It's driving me nuts." She said, shutting the window behind me.

When I got back that night, she was already asleep and I sighed, laying on the floor. I knew I liked her more than a friend. It was obvious even to me at this point. But I don't ever think she would feel the same way. What sane person would?

"Somethin' on your mind?" I whipped my head over to see Bunny standing in the corner, looking at Jas and I.

"So this is where you've been disappearing to? This is her?" I nodded hesitantly. I'd already avoided North's lecture but Bunny cornered me here. He wouldn't let me avoid what he has to say. He walked over to me, keeping an eye on Jas while I stood up.

"Jack...this isn't good, mate. She's human. Believer or not, she's gonna die one're gonna be crushed. None of us want to see that happen to're gonna hurt her too if you keep going like this..." He was trying to be gentle, but conversations like this weren't really his area of expertise and I could see he was uncomfortable. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

"I know...I just...I can't leave her though. She's the first...friend I've-"

"You and I both know she's not just a friend to you anymore." I huffed and turned towards him, scowling. He merely shrugged and I just dropped my head and nodded.

"Yeah...I know...but she'll never see me as anything more than I'd rather just...keep her happy. Bunny, you don't understand. I've never had someone my age to be around. I can't...I can't just leave..." He sighed and came over, placing his hand on my shoulder before hesitantly nodding.

"I know, mate. I just came to say my piece and check up on ya...I gotta get back to the Warren but I'll see ya round." I nodded and said goodbye as he tapped his foot, opening a tunnel and disappearing through it before I heard shuffling behind me. I turned around to see Jasmine starting to sit up, rubbing her eyes.

"What's going on..? Who's there?" I walked over to her, laughing.

"Just me, Jas. It's okay, go back to sleep." She yawned and looked at me before grabbing her phone and looking at the time.

"Nah it's already 7am, might as well get up." She said, rubbing her eyes again. "Who were you talking to?" I shrugged, turning away.

"Just myself." I mumbled. She nodded before standing up and stretching before walking over to her dresser, grabbing clothes.

"Jas...I-" I stopped. What was I going to tell her? Part of me wanted to tell her how much I liked her already, while another part of me was screaming to be honest about what happened with Bunny. She was smiling when she turned back towards me.

"Yeah, Jack?" I chickened out at the last second, shaking my head and forcing a smile.

"Nothing, how are you feeling today? Do you think you're up for a walk?" She nodded and jumped excitedly as she went off to change in the bathroom. I sighed heavily and sat down, waiting. I was a coward.

As she came back into the room, she began slipping on her coat, scarf, and all her winter stuff. I kissed the top of her head without thinking.

"I'll meet you outside." Her face turned pink and she nodded as I ducked out the window, feeling my own face getting warm. Why did I just do that? I stood and waited by a tree off to the side of the house, randomly shooting bursts of frost at the trees. Finally she stepped out, looking around before beaming as she speed walked over to me.

"Lead the way." She smiled, and we began walking in the opposite direction of the ocean. I didn't want her to go over that death trap again. As we walked through the forest, she began pointing out random things like 'I used to pretend this flat rock was a stage and I would sing my heart out...kind of embarrassing but I was 8.' It was nice to finally hear her opening up about herself more.

"What kinda music do you listen to?" She asked, and I had to think for a long time. Last time I actually stopped to listen to music was...

"I don't...haven't really...ever listened to music honestly. So I don't know what I would like." She hopped excitedly.

"That just means you get to experience every genre for the first time! We can listen to music as far back as like, the 30s and 40s if you want to start there! I always say the type of music tells a lot about a person." I looked at her and smirked.

"Oh yeah? So what kinda music do you listen to?" She stopped jumping and her eyes widened as she looked away quickly, her face flushing deep red.

"Umm...not important. Anyways, there's-"

"No, no, no. If we're gonna find out what I listen to, I wanna know what you listen to first." I said as I stopped walking and leaned against my staff. She sighed and thought for a moment.

"Well...I guess it really depends on the mood that I'm in. Right now I'd probably be listening to some type of rock music, but most of the time I listen to more pop music. I like a good variety when I listen." She said casually.

"Any particular favorites?" She shook her head and turned to keep walking. I sighed and followed her. We continued down the path before coming across a small creek. She knelt down, barely touching the ice with the tip of her finger.

"I come here after everything melts. It's so relaxing and calming just hearing the water." I sat beside her, concentrating for a moment before some of the ice melted and the water began to flow. She gasped and looked at me, her eyes shining.

"How did you do that??" I shrugged, rubbing the back of my neck while she giggled and turned her attention back to the water. We enjoyed the silence for a bit, her enjoying the creek before she stood up.

"Wanna keep going? Sitting still is freezing me solid." She said with a laugh. I stood up, wordlessly letting her lead the way as we continued walking. She began pointing out various trees that she 'learned to climb' or would 'pretend to sword fight on'. I gave her a funny look at that one.

"I was a lonely child with nothing to do." She said defensively while I laughed. We reached a small clearing when she turned to me.

"During the spring, this clearing fills up with a beautiful amount of wildflowers. Even though the bugs kinda ruin it, I still come here sometimes. But this is as far as I go before turning around. I don't like to wander too far from home. I'll get lost." I nodded and began looking around the clearing before smiling mischievously at her.

"Wanna do something fun?" She tilted her head.

"Like what?" My grin widened.


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