A Kiss and a Concern

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"Fly." She smiled nervously.

"Uh...I don't know...I've never...my feet have never left the ground..." I shrugged, taking a few steps towards her.

"We can take it slow." She was quiet for a moment, playing with her glove covered fingers before eventually nodding.

"As long as you're sure it'll work with me being all...suited up." She said, gesturing to her thick coat and other various winter items. I laughed.

"I'm sure it'll work. Come here." I gestured her over and wrapped my arm around her waist, her arms instinctively wrapping around my neck. I had the wind slowly cause us to float off the ground. She squeaked and her face immediately dove into my neck.

"It's okay, Jas I got you. Take deep breaths, I'm not gonna drop you."

"Just tell me when there's a view." She said, her face not moving. I chuckled, nodding before slowly flying up further, waiting to see the tops of the trees and the mountains in the distance. The sun was beginning to set, disappearing behind the mountains. It would've been a romantic setting if we were...I tore myself away from those thoughts as I turned my head towards her.

"You can look now." I said quietly. She slowly turned her head, looking out at the view. She gasped lightly, her eyes flitting to my face before continuing to take in the view.

"It's beautiful..." She breathed. My eyes never left her face.

"It really is..." Her eyes met mine for a long moment and before I knew it, our lips met under the light of the sunset. I couldn't believe it. She was actually kissing me back. As we pulled away and I slowly lowered us back to the ground, she was smiling.

"Thank you, Jack. That was amazing."

"That I am." I said before mentally facepalming. Why would I say that? Thankfully she laughed and shoved my shoulder.

"Come on, I gotta get back. It's gonna be dark soon." I nodded, once again letting her lead the way as we headed back towards her house. I couldn't help but hop along the trees and fly alongside her. She teased me the entire way back, laughing when I tripped and almost hit the ground at one point, almost running into a tree another time.

As her house came into view, I flew down and landed next to her, sighing. She was grabbing her stomach and grimacing.

"What's wrong?"

"I just realized I'm absolutely starving. Will you wait for me inside?" I nodded, giving her a quick kiss before heading towards her room. As I slowly snuck in, careful not to alert her parents, I laid on the floor, patiently waiting while I heard her talking with her parents.

"Yeah I just walked to the creek. A part of it melted surprisingly, so I enjoyed the noise of the water before continuing to the clearing. I should've brought snacks though. I didn't realize I was gonna be out til sunset."

"Did you bring your knife? You know there's wild animals out there."

"Dad, I know that trail and besides, I didn't see any animal tracks."

"Next time, bring it. Just to be safe."

"*Sigh* Yes dad." A knife? Since when does she own a knife?

"Did you see anything else interesting?"

"Not really. Just a usual walk. I'm just hoping I don't get sick again."

"Well it would help if you stopped going out as soon as you felt better. Since when do you like winter so much?"

"I don't know. I read some stuff online about why winter can actually be beautiful and interesting so I decided to experience it one day...I guess it stuck with me." I could hear the smile in her voice and I smiled in response, knowing I was the cause.

"Oh, honey before you do your homework, why don't we watch a movie together?"

"Because I've been procrastinating while I was sick and now I'm behind. But I promise, as soon as I'm done, we'll watch a movie mom."

"I'm holding you to that promise."

"Yes ma'am." She laughed. I didn't hear anything else and I assumed they were eating. I let my mind wander back to what had happened in the clearing, sighing happily to myself. She actually kissed me back...I took a chance and it worked. And then Bunny's warning infiltrated my mind and tainted the memory as I frowned.

She would die...or move on eventually...this was stupid. But I couldn't bring myself to care. I just wanted to be happy with her...I wanted her to be happy. Was I being selfish..? I couldn't avoid it. I was going to have to talk to her tonight about it.

I heard her say her good nights and her footsteps down the hall as she walked towards the room. As she opened the door and popped her head in first, her eyes widened as she quickly ran in, turning to shut it quietly.

"What is with you and making frost carpets on my floor?" She hissed. I looked over next to me to see my anxiety had indeed created a snowflake shaped frost carpet on her floor. I sighed and sat up, throwing my hood over my head and concentrating on melting the ice before walking over to her windowsill.

"Jack...? What's wrong?" I couldn't answer for a long moment, a lump began forming in my throat. I cleared it before speaking.

"I just...I wanna say...I don't regret what happened earlier. I loved it...I really like you..."

"But..." Her voice had gone up a few octaves with her own anxiety and I turned to her, feeling guilty.

"What about...what about the future? I can't get older...you'll get older and move on...what happens when...when you die...?" She walked over and gave me a hug.

"Oh Jack...is this what's got you so worried?" She kissed my forehead and I sighed, relaxing into her chest and listening to her heartbeat as she continued.

"Yes I'll get older...eventually I'll die. But that won't be for a long time. And as long as you keep loving me, I'll still love you. Always and forever."

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