Chapter 6

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Adrien twiddled his thumbs as he observed Felix. His cousin was oddly fidgety, he messed around with the plain silver ring he had on his left hand often. He ran his fingers through his hair more than usual, he looked discomposed. Which was insanely odd, this is the same Felix the boy was related to right? The stoic, cold guy who couldn't care less but loved tricks and being sneaky. Who liked magic and playing piano and he could beat your ass in chess without a single hint of emotion.

Something was terribly wrong with him, Adrien poked Nino. A written note of his concerns slid towards his best friend.

Nino wrote back during the science lecture as quick as he possibly could. Idk man, ask the girl's. I have an idea, but I am sure they'd no much more than me dude.

Adrien nodded, he replied with a I'll ask them after class. Thanks bro.

The blonde shifted his focus, his mind swirling about his cousin's actions.


Marinette and Alya waited patiently beside their English teacher's classroom during breaktime, Adrien had mentioned something urgent in the group chat he had to ask about.

"Hey girls, sooo about my little problem," He nodded to Felix, who sat on a bench in deep thoguht with his les crossed, "He's been acting super weird today. He keeps running his hands through his hair and fidgeting. It's like he's in space, and his eyes do this weird thing when they get wide and glassy and he has this dumb expression on his face and then he's composed again. It is kinda freaking me out and I don't know what to do about it."

"Okay, is there any specific time this started happening. Like any event where he came back all odd and stuff?" Cesaire questioned.

"He was all red when he came from the Senior science lab, it was empty this morning around 7. He was kinda giddy, I guess. It was off putting,"He recollected.

"Was anyone there with him?" Marinette surprisingly didn't stutter.

"Yeah, uh Y/n came out before him? She looked happy but not red all over like Felix. Like she just had a really good day, it might've been his piano recitle.." The blonde replied.

Marinette groaned and banged her head against the wall. Alya chuckled.

"It's not that bad, come on. Felix just has a little crush on your sister. No big deal, it'll be over and gone with before you know it." The brunette stated.

"Noooo, Felix is so stoic and unapproachable, what if he never likes any other girl and him and Y/n get married and have a mansion in the countryside and four kids, two cats and a dog and a ferret, and they name the kids Colette, Daphne, Beau and Bellamy-" Marinette rambled worriedly.

"And they call the two cats Lune and Delta, the dog's name is Orion and they name the ferret.."



Alya sighed, "You two are so alike it's uncanny. I doubt any of that will happen, I'm sure Felix will move on and like another girl. He'll go back to London sooner or later, they'll never work out if it does happen anyways."

Marinette's face fell, "What if she falls inlove with him but he leaves for London and they try long distance and he breaks her hear because he falls in love again with some other girl- HE'LL DESTROY HER ALYA!!"

The bluenette shook her friend's collar desperately.

"If anything, if they do fall in love Felix will probably convince Aunt Amelie to let him stay in Paris with her." The evergreen eyed boy stated, Marintette fainted.

Vanity (Felix Graham De Vanily x Marinette's Older Sister! Reader) | ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now