Chapter 14 (Warning: Shanghai Chapters!)

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"I-I um... I don't know how to tell you," She said, running her hands over her arms.

"It's alright, no need to pressure yourself. So shall we go see this man?" Y/n shooed off Fei's guilt.

"N-no, I mean yes! Of course, but I want to tell you first.." She inhaled deeply, "It started 15 years ago, I was just a baby. My adopted father, Wu Shifu, found me on the door steps of his Martial Arts Academy. He raised me like I was his own and taught me Kung Fu and it's virtues. But these men wanted my father's school and they'd been harrassing us for as long as I could remember. They burnt down his school and he dissapeared with it. I want to pay the man who knows who did those things to my father, so I can track him down and get revenge for what he did to my dad. It's been my dream since the school was lost."

Y/n took it all in, Felix could tell she felt terrible for this girl and that she was kind enough to help her through it. He continued following behind the pair as quietly as he could, intrigued.

"This is his shop, right here." The two had come to a stop infront of a pawn shop, with chinese plates and jewlery placed in the window. It was small and slightly shady looking, no doubt the perfect place to sell and buy information.

"Oh Fei, my favorite costumer! What wonderful little treasures have you brought me for today?" A man asked, in his hand a silver and gold fan with beautiful engravings on it.

"Fei hasn't brought you just any little treasures, sir. She's brought you me, and I have something worth just enough for whatever information you could be hding from her." Y/n introduced confidently.

"Oh? And just what has a little girl got for me?" He smirked.

"Earrings worth 1.5 million yuan, that should be enough for you right? In exchange we want to know who hurt Fei's father and burnt down the school and-"

"I don't know who exactly did it but we were hired to burn it down, he said he'd be back in the next few years for some magic eclipse? He spoke nonsense but paid well," Cash said in a rush.

"I'd love your fan," Y/n snatched it and ran, dragging Fei with her.

"Did you actually need the fan?" Fei asked as Y/n pushed her towards the bike.

"Of course not! It was just for shits and giggles, besides I need that guy to chase us, I think I know who really burnt down your dad's school and he's key to drawing them out. They will be there tonight if I'm right of course." Y/n said, hopping on the bike as Fei drove off.

"You are insane!" Fei laughed.

"Thanks, that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, now what do you say we go bring down the guy who burned your home?"

"Heck yeah!" Fei smiled.

It was the most geniune smile Y/n had seen from a person in a long time, she was happy she put that smile on the precious girl's face.

Vanity (Felix Graham De Vanily x Marinette's Older Sister! Reader) | ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now