Axis Origin

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I realized I had never talked about Axis or who he was to the reader. I never spoke much about him, but I'd like to change that because I feel like many misunderstand him simply because he is an oc created by me. He was never meant to be in a love triangle or square with anyone at all. Axis is heavily based off of a very good friend of mine from my middle school days. Axis is a young transgender boy from a very religious french family. The reader and Axis had been friends since they first met when they were very young, and Luka joined them at the time or later on. Axis had never felt very comfortable in the body of a girl, it was only when Y/n had suggested trying to be more masculine around their 2nd year of middle school that Axis began to find out who he was.

With Y/n's help, he eventually came out as transgender to his parents in his second year of highschool. His parents were quite skeptical at first, but they managed to find it in their hearts to except Axis as their son. No matter how unhappy they were at first. Later on Axis had realized the feelings he had for Luka, when he no longer felt the crushing anxiety and fear that came with not being out. He no longer felt as if he had to hide away from the world, and gradually let himself feel emotions he once hid away.

Luka had loved him since he had first laid eyes on him, but fell deeper in their middle school years. Especially, around the time Axis dressed more masculinely. Axis' newfound confidence had only drawn Luka down further and he confessed. To which he was immediately got rejected, simply because of the fact Axis only allowed himself to openly feel sisterly love for Y/n and the familial love he felt towards his parents. He never allowed his feelings to progress past a certain point of friendship because of his fear of being hated if he revealed who he really was to the world.

Luka did not care, and he may have had a mild crush on Marinette to distract himself from Axis' ongoing rejection until Axis came out but it was hardly there. He knew it was a terrible way to treat her, but he figured he'd love her sooner or later. So, Luka took the shot. He failed, obviously. But still.

Anyways, since his parents acceptance towards him, Axis grew even more confidence and finally let down all of his walls. It took a while, but Luka managed to wiggle his way into his childhood friend's heart and they dated happily.

Originally, I had planned to make Axis and Marin get together, but childhood friends to lovers completely overpowers anything else because it's so damn cute. If anyone would like me to make several oneshots regarding luka and axis, I would love to. Personally, because I have many ideas in regards to their confession and middle school time with one another and events prior/after. I'd honestly like to make an entire fanfic for them but I don't think I could consistently update said fanfiction or keep up with my ideas as they tend to leave my head after they've been thoroughly thought out.

Regardless, I hope everyone has a good day and that clears up some unliked feelings towards my sweetheart because, I genuinely love Axis so much it physically hurts.

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