I'm sorry

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You walked swiftly to Buck's. When you got there you knocked on the door. "Why is this?" Buck asked opening the door. "It's Taylor. I'm one of Dallas's friends." You said. "I don't know if Dallas would want you here." Buck said. "Come on Buck. Dally should know that I wo u led want to come here at least once." You said. "Fine. Just don't go whining to him because of what ya see." Buck said opening the door. "Thanks. And I won't go whining to Dally. I'm not a kid anymore." You said. You walked in and looked around. The stench of cigarette smoke and alcohol hit you and you cringed your nose. "Dallas is upstairs, but he's trying to sleep so I'd wait for a little bit." Buck said before wandering off. You found the stairs and climbed them. Once you got to the next floor you regretted your decision on trying to find Dally. Shoot! I should've seen that coming! It's Dally! You turned and rushed down the stairs and ran into a very drunk man. He looked down at you. "Hey there pretty lady. Come with me. I'll show you a good time." The man said. He grabbed your wrist and began leading you upstairs. "No. I'm fine. Just let me go and I can have fun with my friends." You said. The man just kept pulling. "Let go of me!" You screeched frantically. Then Buck was there and he pushed the guy and the man left. "You okay?" Buck asked. "I'm fine." You said. He left and you looked around for the exit. A new boy came by and looked at you. "You look lost. Why don't you come over here." He said. He grabbed you by the waist and sat you down on his lap. "No!" You shouted. You jumped up and found the exit. You dashed out the door and ran. You thought you lost the boy until you heard footsteps behind you. You ran even faster towards the Curtis house. You looked down in time to see a branch, but you weren't fast enough and yiu tripped over it. The boy behind you fell on top of you and you fought against him. "Go away! Leave me alone!" You yelled. "Woah. Taylor. Calm down. It's me." A familiar voice said. You looked up and saw Ponyboy next to you. You tackled him and he fell backwards onto the ground. "You were right Pony! I should've listened! I'm sorry!" You managed to sputter between your tears. "Sorry. For what?" He asked. You told him what had happened and he hugged you. "Taylor. I'm sorry. I should have gone with you." He said. "It's okay." You said. He grinned at you, but then stopped and looked at the ground. "What's wrong?" You asked. "Well. I don't know of I should ask you this since I just let you almost get hurt, but..." He said trailing off. "But....what?" You asked. "But. I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out." He said. "Definately. Besides. Now I need a bodyguard because of what happened." You said. You both laughed and stood up. He grabbed your hand and even though it made you really uncomfortable, you went along with it.

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