The Man With A Horn

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    "You're on in five minutes Miss Serena," the stagehand said. You nodded and took a deep breath trying to calm yourself. Serena was the name of your favorite moon princess from an anime you loved. You decided to use it as a cover name when you go undercover for these types of missions. It's ok. This is it. This is what you've been training for. You peeked through the velvet curtain and saw a large crowd outside. The club was dark and smoky, you could only see up to the first tables in the front row. Many were sitting and having dinner. Most of them were employees from the bunker. Your eyes scanned the crowd hoping to spot a familiar face. You turned around towards the backstage entrance and saw Bucky posing as the bouncer for the backdoor. He was surreptitiously looking around, watching the other people backstage. He locked eyes with you and gave you a small wink. You returned it with a smirk of your own.

    Sidorov's intel was invaluable. He gave up locations for secret experimental laboratories. However, he wasn't told what they were doing at these places exactly. He just knew a couple of sites here in Norway. You and Sam had spent the last two weeks staking out a building, an abandoned military bunker, watching people and their routines. The employees are just like anyone else. After a long day's work, they like to let off some steam. This club was one of the places the employees frequented. It was so close to the bunker that people often walked here right after they get off work. Sam thought it would be easier to snag someone here than it would be to go inside a secured building. You had set your sights on one particular employee. He was punctual and never missed a day of work since you had started watching the base. He was clean-shaven with a strong jaw and a crooked nose. He seemed like the type of person to not break any rules, which means they won't suspect him when he reveals their secrets.

    Across the room, Loki had sat at the bar waiting for you to go on

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    Across the room, Loki had sat at the bar waiting for you to go on. He was nursing a glass of scotch, too weak to be called alcohol. He yearns for the flask of Asgardian mead he has stashed in his personal bar back at the tower.

    "When is she supposed to go on?" he heard Wilson say through his earpiece.

    "Any minute now." Barnes had answered.

    Here were the four of you again on another mission. It went so well the first time that Rogers and Fury decided that you four were a good fit. What a bunch of crock. Wilson talks too much and Barnes pines after you way too noticeably, and you! YOU are too naïve to see any of it. Admittedly, that's what's wrong with Loki too. He craves your attention too much. That's why none of you should be put in missions together. It's too dangerous with so many egos all at once.

    Barnes was backstage as a stagehand, keeping an eye on the employees of the club and other entertainment. Sam was perched outside on the rooftop keeping an eye on the outside perimeter. Loki was supposed to keep an eye on the patrons inside and one scientist you guys wanted to snatch to interrogate. Your job was to sing and compel them to want to go with you without much of a fight. The only way you got this gig was to compel the club owner to give you guys a spot during auditions.

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