Darkside of The Moon

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     "THOR! I can't lose her, Thor."

     "She's alive, brother. Don't worry. We'll make sure she gets well."


     "Loki, I need you to step out of the room."

     "The hell I will. I am not going to leave her, Banner!"

     "Strange is here. I promise we will get to the bottom of this. But right now, this isn't helping her or you. You can watch through the window, but you need to get out of this room!"


     "She will find her way back to you. If you believe in anything, believe that she loves you enough to find her way back to you."

     "Thank you, Agent Roman..."

     "Loki...call me Nat."

    "She's stable. Her heart rate and blood pressure are a little low. We'll keep her in an IV for now. I don't know the proper dosage for a Vanir, but I assume it's similar to you Asgardians. Her x-rays came back, and we removed the splinter of bone that broke off from her ribs when she got stabbed. Luckily we got to it before it punctured her lungs. She did crack her patella on her right knee. She'll be unable to walk for at least six weeks. Maybe sooner because of her lineage. We won't know anything else until she wakes up...and that is a mystery itself. She should be awake. Neither Bruce nor I know what's going on with her. We think she might be in a self-induced coma. But again, we don't know until she wakes up."

    Each time Dr. Strange listed off a problem, Loki felt a sharp stab right in his chest. It was twisting and sinking deeper and deeper into his heart. He hadn't slept in days. He hadn't eaten either. "Now as for you, I suspect trauma and depression, possibly guilt..."

    "Don't push it, Strange." Loki snapped.

    "Let's put it this way, how are you going to take care of her, if you're not altogether here yourself? She's going to need you in the next couple of months, Loki." Loki let out a sigh. He ran his hands through his dark hair staring into the room. There was bruising on your arm where they had tried to stick the IV initially but failed. Loki almost beheaded the nurse for that. Your right leg was in a brace, post-knee surgery to fix your broken patella. You had gotten to the compound four days ago and you haven't woken up since.

    "He's right, brother. At least have something to eat. She would hate to see you like this." Thor said gently.

    "Go take care of yourself, Loki. We'll be here. And we'll have FRIDAY contact you as soon as she wakes up." Tala nudged him. Loki nodded, finally accepting some relief.

    "Tala," Loki said slowly. "There is a word in our realm to describe what your sister means to me. The words do not compare when translated into any Midgardian language. 'Loyal Girlfriend' just doesn't seem to encompass all the love and support Mayari has given me. The word 'girlfriend' alone seems insulting when she is so much more. She is my Sigyn." Loki watched you through the window one last time. You were lying perfectly still with wires and monitors attached to your arms. Loki looked at Thor, then at Tala. She cupped her hands on Loki's face. "I apologize dear Tala. She is your sister. This must be harder for you." Loki realized.

    "Kuya, we all worry for her. We do it in our own way. Don't worry, she'll come back to us." She said with borrowed confidence. "She is always victorious. She always gets her way, doesn't she?"

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