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I watch the sun set behind the great treas that stand tall in the Faron Woods. I sigh. It's such a peaceful scenery... "Are you coming?" I feel a little tug on my hand. When I look down, I see Oolo, a tiny creature called a Kikwi standing next to me. "Yes, sorry. I was looking at the beautiful sky," I smile, as I continue to walk with Oolo. We were lucky, and I know that. I am as far as I know, the only human that lives in these woods. Together with the Kikwi's, we live a pretty good life. It's easy, and not filled with luxury, but we have each other.

I have no idea how I ended up in the Faron Woods, but all I know is that the Kikwi's found me when I was just an infant. They're the only family I've ever known, and that's fine by me. They taught me everything I know, how to search for food and how to treat injuries or mix ingredients to make medicines. Like I said, we live a simple life, but at least it's a good life.

"What do you want to do tonight, Faelen?" Oolo asks me as we walk back to the rest of the Kikwi's. "Hm. I'm not sure, how'd you like a game of hide and seek?" I ask the Kikwi, and his little face lights up. "That would be awesome! It's my favorite game!" he smiles. I return the smile. I know all the Kikwi's love games of hide and seek, since they're quite good at it. As we return to the rest of the group, the elder Kikwi, Bucha, greets me. "Hello Faelen. I hope your day was wonderfull," he smiles warmly. "It was, thank you elder," I answer him. "We've already gathered fruit for dinner," the elder continues, and I nod. "Hello Faelen!" I look up, and see Erla standing on top of a rock. I smile, and wave. "Hello Erla! How're ya doing?" I ask her. She hops off the rock, and walks over to me. "Great! I won the games of hide 'n seek we played today!" she speaks proudly, and I smile to myself. "Well done, Erla! Want to play with us after dinner?" I invite her. She claps her tiny hands and nods. "I'm gonna beat all of you with ease!" she laughs, and runs off to grab herself a piece of fruit.

After everyone finished the dinner, we started giving everyone roles, and I ended up being the seeker. I didn't mind, since the Kikwi's love the hiding role. "I'm counting to ten, be gone before then!" I yell through the forest, making sure every Kikwi in a mile radius heard me. I remove my hands from my eyes, and look around. No one in sight so far. I smile to myself, Kikwi's are quite good at hiding, but they're also curious creatures. They have the habit of peeping up from their hiding spot, to look around, and that's when I spot them and catch them in the act. This shouldn't be too hard. "I'm coming!" I shout, and I hear a sound on my right. I sneak towards the bushes, and move the branches to the side. I see Lopsa kneeling in the middle of the bush. "Found ya, Lopsa!" I smile, and she looks up to me. "Oh, you got me! Well, good job, was it hard to find me?" she asks me with a gentle smile, and I nod even though I just started the search. Lopsa laughs, and hops out of the bush. "See ya later, Faelen!" she waves, and runs off.

As I continue to search for more Kikwi's, it's starting to get dark. I only have to find Erla, and then I'll be able to dive into my bed. I can't wait. "Erla! You've won! Come out, please!" I yell, trying to get her to give up even though I know she won't. I hear footsteps from behind a big boulder, so I make my way over. "Found you, you little-" I start, but swallow my words when I see a tall man standing in front of me. I can't see him well due to the cloud of twilight that layered over the land, but I can still spot his snow-white hair and red cloak. "Oh. Erm, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sneak up to you like that," I speak to the man, who still hasn't looked at me. "Hm? Don't you worry about that. I've watched you stomp around this place for five minutes already," he answers unbothered, almost annoyed. "If someone told me there was an elephant on the run, I'd believe it," he continues while inspecting his gloves. I huff, but decide to stay nice and calm. "So, I happen to look for a friend of mine, have you her anywhere, perhaps?" I ask him, and finally, he turns to face me and looks me in the eyes. I gasp. I'm not quite used to creatures that look like me, but man. I surely hit the jackpot today. I can't help but stare at his features, and to be honest, he looks rather handsome. And he seems to know he does. "Cat got your tongue?" he smirks, and flips his hair. One side seems longer than the other, and I see a blue diamond shimmering in his pointy ear. "Look, little one, I know I am a snack for the eyes, but I have places to be, plans to make. And to answer your question, yes, I have encountered that little blob you're looking for, she's hiding behind that tree," he speaks, while pointing at a tree in the distance. I follow his finger with my eyes, and nod. "Okay, thank you. I won't hold you up anymore, then," I say polite, and he tsk's. I start to walk in the direction the man pointed, and I hear Erla's giggling. "Found you!" I say, before peeping behind the tree. "Hah! I told you I was the best at hide and seek!" Erla laughs, and I nod. "You sure are," I answer her. "Shall we go back to the others?" I ask her, and she agrees. I can't help myself, but glance over my shoulder. As if the man was waiting for me to do that, he smirks and winks, before clicking his fingers and disappearing in a cloud of diamonds.

That night, I can't sleep. My mind wanders off to that stranger I met today. He seemed rude and arrogant, but he's still captured my mind in some way. I hope I see him again someday. I turn on my back, and look at the sky with the stars that shine bright tonight. Yes, I hope I see him again someday.

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