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While waiting for Military and Doctor, here's something from me after soooo long😊

This is a long one so grab a snack and settle in for the ride!


She slipped the sparkly silver bangles around her wrist, her eyes firmly fixed on her own reflection on the dresser mirror while her other hand adjusted the choker that hugged her neck a bit too tight. Wrapped in the stunning silk saree, paired with some fine ornaments along with her freshly done hair, she was simply dazzling like the moon goddess.

Despite all the typical chaos that has been taking place within the family over the course of the last few days since the pre-wedding events and parties had started, she was determined to not let any of that ruin her big day.

And that's why she turned a deaf ear to her aunt at the corner of the room who had an endless list of things to complain about since she was still yet to get over her son being rejected as a prospective spouse.

Or the great-grandmother on the bed who could never recognise her own face without a pair of spectacles yet had the talent to detect and call out her makeover for being too bold.

On a normal day, she would have snapped and put them in their places, she was certainly capable of that. But she was equally capable of staying calm and being tolerant especially when she knows reacting will only aggravate the situation.

"Marshmallows, bunnies, Nutella, Harry Potter, stars, lillies..." She closed her eyes and started chanting.

But before she could even reach to the middle of her list of favourite things, one of the monstrous kids who belonged to a relative she couldn't care less about, bumped hard onto her dresser, causing a photo frame from the table to fall off.


Fortunately, a hand that came out of nowhere caught it right on time. Her heart dropped even though the frame did not as the mere possibility of the picture being harmed petrified her.

"Onnum aagala," the older woman softly assured.

(The picture is fine.)

Her trembling hand reached for the photo frame as she had to take a look at it herself to ensure it was unscathed. Her patience had worn thin, she turned to the rest of them and sharply asked to be left alone, not worried about offending them any longer.

Before things could escalate further, the older woman quickly ushered them out to give her the space she desperately needed to calm down.

Only after she heard the sound of the door clicking shut, she sunk back to her seat, hands still tightly clutching the photo frame. Exhaling generously, she gathered the courage in her to look at the picture.

It was a picture that has been sitting on her desk for decades but it's been ages since she had a real look at it. Her eyes conveniently chose to tune blind to the photograph even though it was saved perfectly at the back of her mind.

The handsome man grinning at her with his dimple out in the air unintentionally provoked a nostalgic smile to spread across her lips as she stared back at him. The young girl stuck between his arm wore a smile that was wider than his or anyone's in the world.

She looked the happiest with him. Perhaps even happier than today.

With her tiny fingers tightly swaddled between his large ones, she looked smug, she looked proud, she looked triumphant - like she was naively indulging in the belief that those warm hands of his belong to her and will never leave hers no matter what.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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