008 | the duke and I

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viii. there was one thing missing
and that's the moment i knew

"DAPHNE," ELIZABETH CALLED OUT when she saw her  standing on the other side of the room.

"Oh Elizabeth, it's so nice to see you," she said, pulling her friend in for an embrace.

"Your wedding was stunning, I'm sorry it had to happen in these circumstances," She said.

Daphnes marriage to Simon had been a small affair that was luckily provided by the Queen. Elizabeth was glad her friend had found a nice husband, even if she didn't really want it like this.

"Me too, but I guess I will be happy with Simon," she said, giving her a half hearted smile.

"Yes, he seems like a fine young man," she said before linking her arm with daphnes, "Now, let's talk about me visiting your lovely new home for Christmas,"

Daphne chuckled, happy to be able to spend a few minutes talking to her friend.

She had always wanted to be like Elizabeth, beautiful and elegant yet uncaring of societies expectations. She had always kept her fun laugh and wide grin from childhood, never hiding it from anybody.

They were standing and talking when Anthony walked over. He had just had an intriguing talk with simon.

"Lord Bridgerton," Elizabeth said, not meeting his eyes in fear that she would turn bright red if she did.

"Lady Monroe, may I talk to my sister for a second?" He asked and daphne eyed him defensively.

"Is it important?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at him, "Because I'm sure you can just say it in front of Elizabeth,"

"That's fine, Ada can stay," he said, looking over at her, "I spoke to the Duke,"

Daphne scoffed, "That makes one of us," she said almost bitterly.

She had confided to Elizabeth about her relationship troubles, how it had been revealed that Simon could not have children and that is why he could not marry her.

Elizabeth felt sorry for her friend but knew that she would have a happy enough marriage with Simon. Some people didn't even get that.

"He refused your dowry," Anthony stated.

Daphne was almost angry at the shocking news, "Is this your attempt to raise my spirits?" She questioned.

"He refused for your benefit sister, I shall put the money in trust so you may use it how you see fit," he explained.

Daphne seemed to be getting upset by the idea, almost emotional that he would do something like like.

"For your children perhaps, certainly you two will have a brood large enough to pit mothers to shame," he said, trying to lighten the mood but it just made it worse.

He noticed she was upset and reached over, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Is something wrong Daphne?" He asked.

"This is all, I must take a moment, don't worry about me," she said, her voice cracking at the end as she walked off.

"Was it something I said?" He asked, still watching as she walked away, heading towards her bedroom.

"No, Anthony, I don't think it was," Elizabeth said before walking off. She couldn't bare to spend anymore time around him.

The next time she saw Daphne, they were outside of the building they had held the reception in and they were about to send her off.

Gregory was trying to convince his sister to stay and she laughed it off, promising to visit as often as she could.

She turned to Anthony, looking over his shoulder at Elizabeth who was talking to Hyacinth.

"You look after her brother," Daphne said, a sad smile on her face.

She knew there was something going on between them and she was trying to encourage it. Something had happened at the duel and she was going to get to the bottom of it.

Daphne got in the carriage with Simon and the two were driven away. Elizabeth smiled as she waved, sad to lose her best friend.

She was walking off when she heard her name get called and Anthony ran over.

"Can we talk?" He asked, trying to stay out of earshot to everyone else.

She rolled her eyes, "What is there to talk about Bridgerton?" She asked, just wanting to ignore the matter at hand.

"It was a mistake and I wanted to say I'm sorry," he said.

She scoffed at the idea that she was a mistake, just another woman for him to fool around with in his spare time and she cursed herself for falling for his tricks.

"You kiss these other women and its fine but I, you stole my innocence from me Anthony Bridgerton," Elizabeth exclaimed.

She had wanted that kiss too but she had asummed maybe he had feelings for her and that was why but clearly he didn't.

Elizabeth shook her head, she couldn't believe she had been so foolish as to believe that a rake like Anthony Bridgerton could ever love her.

"Then allow your father to duel me," Anthony said, his words breaking her out of her own thoughts.

She scoffed, face scrunching up in shock and disgust at the suggestion, "Do you wish for deth so much that you must seek out every duel you can?" She questioned.

Elizabeth looked away, lowering her voice when she noticed the other members of his family milling around.

"Just because your mistress need nothing of you anymore doesn't mean you can run to me,"

"Thats never what it was," he said

"I know she left town, people rumoured that she had an affair and she left, that she wanted nothing more of him," she explained.

Anthony stood there, realising that the woman he was having an affair with didn't want him and this beautiful woman in front of him didn't want him anymore.

"I will never be a man's second choice, good day Anthony," She said, about to walk off before she heard his voice

"Ada please," he said, his voice soft as he tried to reason with her.

"My name is Elizabeth!" She exclaimed, pausing when everyone turned to look at her.

Violet started to walk over and Elizabeth began to walk off, trying to hold her tears back as she fled the scene.

"What in God's name have you done Anthony," Violet asked, brows creased together.

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