001 | diamond of the first water

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i. blame it all on yourself cause
she's always a woman to me

"JUST BREATHE," ELIZABETH SAID AS she stood next to her sister in her fancy dress, ready to be shown to the masses in front of the Queen.

She stepped out of the carriage and looked around. She took a deep breath, ready for the event ahead.

On the other side of the square, she saw Daphne and the other Bridgertons. She smiled at the sight of her close friends.

Her and her family had spent most of her childhood around the Bridgerton family and they'd always been close.

Her friend Daphne was entering the Marriage Mart this year, but Elizabeth and her best friend Eloise were waiting until next year to enter.

"I'm getting nervous," Amber, her older sister said as she looked around, seeing people heading up to meet the Queen.

They knew that if Amber was chosen as the diamond of the season then there would be more marriage options for her.

Since their mother passed away two years ago, it had been difficult for the family and Elizabeth had taken a very maternal role to their two younger siblings, Heather and Jonathan.

She took a deep breath. This was one of the most important moments in her older sisters life and she couldn't mess this up.

The footman waved them in and the two stood at the door, ready to meet the Queen.

"Lady Amber Monroe and Lady Elizabeth-Ada Monroe," the footman announced and the two courtesies in front of the Queen.

It was daunting for them both to be there and the Queen nodded before waving them off to the side. They had done quite well.

Despite how well Amber had done, Daphne was chosen as the diamond of the season.

When they walked outside, their father congratulated them, leaning in and giving them both a quick hug before looking over at Violet Bridgerton who walked over.

"Vicountess Bridgerton, it has been too long," he said, bowing slightly as he saw her.

She smiled, "You as well Baron Monroe,"

Elizabeth smiled at Daphne and Eloise, the former responding wuth an overexcited smile.

"Seems you have become the diamond Daph," Elizabeth said and her friend grinned from ear to ear.

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