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today I got awaken by the noise of my alarm waking me up for school. I realised i hadn't seen ito-chan because of exams and shit like that. So i was exited to see him at the club today and maybe even after if he's around!~  Anyways i should get changed otherwise I'm going to be late for my first lesson... Wait! what is my first lesson again?? Eh, ill just ask shikatani after I've gotten ready~!  
When was the last time i cleaned this bathroom? its messy as fuck in here.. I washed my hair as it was getting greasy and it needed a wash, then I got my freshly washed uniform from out of my draws and made my bed.  Ok time to test shikatani


akemi: heyy shikaaaaa, whats our first lesson againnnnnn? 

shikatani: you dumb bitch, anyways its English remember. also can i sit next to you since your really good at it and I'm utter shit..

akemi: suuuure!! cya in class :))


Today i was late to school since I sept through my own alarm which was stupid of me. I finally got to see akemi after a good 2 weeks cause of exams and i may have skipped the club since i was mentally unstable and couldn't handle any of that shit.                                                                              School started at 8:40am and it was 10:34.. I had already missed a lesson and a half! I was running so late that i nearly forgot to have a shower and brush my teeth but luckily I remembered. I was so exited to see Kei-Chan, that the day went by so quickly

*3RD PERSON*                                                                                                                                                                           Itome was playing with his hair while walking down the corridor about 7 minutes away from the club when he heard a familiar voice from across the other end of the corridor. "Ito? Is that you?" akemi said in happiness. Itome quickly turned around and shouted "KEI-CHAN?! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" Itomes doesn't really talk that much unless something has happened that means a lot to him or surprises/shocks him. Both akemi and itome ran to each other until akemi jumped into his arms and kissed him directly on the lips while holding his face, then kissed his cheek. "Itome, i missed you so much, why haven't you been coming to the club?"                                 "O-oh, it nothing don't worry lets just carry on walking to the club and ill tell you later ok, hon?" Itome replied in a soft but hesitant voice. "Oh, ok! I love you ito." akemi said after itomes voice. They both walked holding hands and blushing.

"Were here, ito~!" akemi said smiling like usual. Itome looked down at the floor and asked "kei-chan, when is it the end of the month?"  akemi replied looking at the tall boy saying "in about 2 weeks, you have nothing to worry about. ill let you off this time ok~?"  itomes smiled and bent down to kiss akemi's cheek and whispered a small but meaningful thank you. 

*CREATOR QUOTE*                                                                                                                                                                    Ill be finsing this chapter here but right now im in the uk so the time is 1 in the morning and i have school tomorrow, so ill be adding more tomorrow~! byee!

my love for you~ (itome  x akemi)Where stories live. Discover now